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  1. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    There's only a few weeks to go now! Your PIP is due on Monday, 31st July (probably at 9am - check with your teachers because it's an official Board of Studies deadline). You MUST have all work completed by 30th July (obviously, so you can hand it in the next day!) Good luck everyone! :D
  2. mishka


    You have to go into "Student Connect" - click on My Enrolment, Student Records, then Summary of Results (they haven't put a link to "2006 Semester One" under Final Grades yet.)
  3. mishka


    EDMA 307 Strathfield MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 3 DI EDRE 101 Strathfield RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 1 HD EDST 103 Strathfield SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY HD EDTS 309 Strathfield PRIM TCHG CLASSRM MNGT2/FXP In Progress Too bad we don't get actual marks, however if for example you're borderline...
  4. mishka

    When Is The Blasted Thing Due?

    You have to have your PIP done by 30th July this year. It must be completed and handed in to your school on the 31st July (Monday). As far as I'm aware you must hand them in by 9am for them to be accepted (as was the rule when I did my PIP in 2004). For reference...
  5. mishka

    Please read before posting a new thread!

    Added note: Please do not post a questionnaire in the PIP forum and the Surveys and Research forum. ALL questionnaires should go ONLY in the Surveys and Research forum!
  6. mishka

    Please read before posting a new thread!

    Added note: Please do not post a questionnaire in the PIP forum and the Surveys and Research forum. :) ALL questionnaires should go ONLY in the Surveys and Research forum!
  7. mishka

    PIP Questionnaire (Short Responses)

    Lack of responses could be due to the fact that you have posted this in the PIP forum instead of the School Assessment Surveys and Research forum... am moving this thread!
  8. mishka

    how do you save money?>

    I like to have a "comfortable" amount in my normal "everyday" account where my pay goes in, petrol and any other expenses are taken out. I save $50 a week by automatic transfer to ING. Once I have excess in my "everyday" account I move it as a lump sum to ING. My credit card is on standby...
  9. mishka

    die PIP DIEEEEE!!!!

    I found it very useful to do a full day just getting a whole chunk out of the way. Once you get your teeth into it, it might just seem that bit easier to do.. :)
  10. mishka

    different types of passes

    I don't see the point of writing - or + after grades at uni. If you're not given the exact mark, I figure the word (i.e. pass, credit, distinction etc.) is enough.
  11. mishka

    PIP topics - What's been done to death?

    No, as I said, if you can find an original spin or idea to follow, these types are usually quite effective. My general topic was on gender and popular culture however it was a specific popular culture which made the discussion more focused.
  12. mishka

    HELP!!! preparation for trials and hsc

    More often than not, you will be asked to apply a concept to a given situation or asked to provide an example to show how your understanding of the concept is made. (If not, they will probably ask you to define the term and then answer another question related to it) Therefore the terms used...
  13. mishka

    HELP!!! preparation for trials and hsc

    When I did SAC I wrote definitions for the concepts using my own words and including an example to support it. I would have my case study outlined in a detail that keeps in line with the syllabus (most of the questions are in the "Students learn to" column of the syllabus :))
  14. mishka

    Can anyone suggest a good way of organising chapters?

    Agree with Kulazzi! :) Sounds great - make sure you include analysis of different types of methodologies in each chapter.
  15. mishka

    Can anyone suggest a good way of organising chapters?

    Sounds like you'll be using lots of terms from the Equality and Difference elective. My advice is to go and have a look at the syllabus and see how many of the concepts apply to your topic. The reason I said not to do methodologies as separate chapters is that the whole purpose of the PIP is...
  16. mishka

    Can anyone suggest a good way of organising chapters?

    Whatever you do, don't do a chapter on each of your methodologies!! My cross cultural component was time so I did my chapters as past, present (incorporated my results from surveys etc.) and future (based on my results). Because my topic was a Popular Culture one, this was ensuring I could...
  17. mishka

    Is Alternative Music 'Musis for Males?'

    Look up the Board of Studies and locate the Society and Culture syllabus. Go to the back (I think there's a glossary of the terms used in SAC). Also look in the Pop Culture section of the syllabus and get familiar with the terms used in that topic. Use these in your PIP to demonstrate your...
  18. mishka

    society and culture lecture day

    The study days are great - I really recommend that every SAC student tries to attend. It gets you focused on the areas of study your class is doing and provides tips for exams etc. Make sure you take a pen and a notebook to scribble down important hints!
  19. mishka

    summer school unit costs

    Not sure actually... maybe you could contact Student Admin or something to find out where you can get such information.
  20. mishka

    Cross Cultural Comparison Idea...

    I think you'd be best to have a collection of data on your cross cultural comparison. There is nothing wrong with using self-reflection as a tool to discuss areas of your PIP, however I doubt that it would be a suitable cross-cultural aspect. Not that it's an entirely bad concept, but you do...