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  1. mishka

    PIP - Bollywood

    Re: 2006 PIP Progress Thread What would I do without Kulazzi?? :p Thanks :) I've created this new thread... maybe we should refine your questionnaire before also posting it the Surveys forum... I'll be back later to help with that.
  2. mishka

    Please read before posting a new thread!

    Hello fellow SAC-ers :) Before posting a new thread in either of our SAC forums, please read below to determine which forum to put your thread in... Society and Culture - general talk about the course - specific questions about the main "units" in SAC Personal Interest Project...
  3. mishka

    Please read before posting a new thread!

    Hello fellow SAC-ers :) Before posting a new thread in either of our SAC forums, please read below to determine which forum to put your thread in... Society and Culture - general talk about the course - specific questions about the main "units" in SAC Personal Interest Project...
  4. mishka

    auto or manual

    :uhhuh: Luckily I don't have to use that road often as I come from a different angle :p I'm finding it strange that people comment on guys not driving manuals but not girls... why is this? Are males just "expected" to know how to drive them??
  5. mishka

    auto or manual

    I drive a manual (got my red P's in one). I have extremely limited experience in an auto and don't feel as safe for some reason.. I agree that in traffic a manual can be a bitch (sometimes I'm really not in the mood to be going from 1st-2nd and back again) but I usually enjoy driving my car. :)...
  6. mishka

    my pip on music festivals

    Sometimes once you've done most of your PIP the name comes more naturally because there's a certain "theme" throughout the style of writing... I'll have a think about it.. :rolleyes:
  7. mishka

    PiP LEctures 2006

    I found the lectures great - keep all the notes they gave out because there are some really great and handy hints in there!! I also suggest a visit to the State Library (if you haven't already done so) to take a peek at how past students have presented their final product. I came across...
  8. mishka

    PIP interview help

    If you're interviewing someone from Girlfriend magazine, your questions will have to direct them to be very detailed about their own ideas, based on their experiences with readers and past stories. They might be able to give you other links to people in the field. The interviewing process in...
  9. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    I think it's good that former students share their experiences :) I wasn't the perfect SAC student - there are things I wish I did while doing my PIP that I knew were good ideas but I never had the motivation for. When I did get started on my PIP and got into the questionnaires and the...
  10. mishka

    Survey and Questionnaire

    There are threads in the subforum about people and their PIPs :) Click here!
  11. mishka

    First year meant to be the hardest?

    I didn't find first year too difficult work-wise, mainly in the adjustment from high school to what university expects out of students. I think the hardest part about first year (especially if you know only a few people who go to uni) is working out how you're going to tackle assignments, write...
  12. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    You'll have to decide whether you want your questions closed or open ended or a mixture of both. You will definitely need to have the standard age/gender/etc. on the top of the questionnaire so you can compare differences between the responses. To keep questionnaires "enjoyable" to...
  13. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    The State Library also hold copies of past PIPs that have won awards and so on. I didn't get to go on an excursion but I went there to have a look at the layout of some good PIPs and I combined a number of ideas when putting mine together :)
  14. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    If you aren't looking forward to researching and putting the PIP together, maybe your topic isn't that interesting to you. If it's the workload that is bothering you (it was my main hurdle!) perhaps try to act positively towards it by chunking parts of its construction together, so the PIP...
  15. mishka

    2006 PIP Progress Thread

    My first post in this thread was really to get people motivated and I only suggest certain milestones because I know what it's like to put it off until 3 months left!! You don't have anything to panic about, just start with a huge bit of paper to brainstorm on... write down anything that...
  16. mishka

    ACU Common Time

    hmmm what course are you doing and at which campus? ACU Common Time is where everyone is off classes. Usually this is for Mass or just general uni-wide activities. No one has classes during this time. If it's the only thing appearing on your timetable, you will have to find out when your...
  17. mishka

    deferring hecs or paying up front

    I'm leaving it all for when I'm earning a reliable, full time income, but each to his own I guess :)
  18. mishka

    HAhah try cars for under 3k

    You just have to be looking in the right places I guess.. My Cino was $3500 with air con, CD player etc. There are good buys out there - you have to be in the right place at the right time, too. :)
  19. mishka

    time table

    Some lecturers like finishing the tute 1/2 hour before the time ends... That is, an hour and a half tute rather than the full two hours :)