Search results

  1. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salut salut tlm! maintenant je suis en train de voyager en europe avec ma grandmere! En ce moment, je suis en Allemagne avec mes cousines et je m'amuse bien. La semaine derniere, on etait au Pays Bas chez ma tante et on est alle a Bruxelles. Les Gauffres etaient les pralines...
  2. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salut tlm! osez vous...ou suis je en ce moment..... non.....vous avez tort....pas a Sydney, je suis a Singapour! J'attend mon vol je m'en fous parce que je suis toute seule ici...personne voyage avec moi. Neanmoins, l'aeroport de Sing est magnifique....le mieux dans le...
  3. k_i_mm_i

    Who here does japanese through OHS?

    we only had 4 ppl in our continuers...(1 never comes, another is ALWYAS late),..and only 3 in extension (1 always late) - always
  4. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salut salut salut tlm cela fait deja longtemps que l'on ne s'est pas parle. Ben moi, je suis toujours ici a Sydney, mais je vais aller a l'etranger la semaine prochaine. J'ai decide d'aller a un college qui est situe a Manly et je vais commencer en sais pas ce que a faire pendant ce...
  5. k_i_mm_i

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    no tutoring, i dumped my evil maths one who told me if i tried realli hard I might get 80 but i got 92 so ha ha....u suck
  6. k_i_mm_i

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    I got 99+ and accelerated, but the subject I accelerated in didnt even count towards my UAI
  7. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    hey snoopy..yep im a girl. oh in kinokuniya i saw a bi-lingual jap/eng comic book..costs quite a bit but i think it could help kill some boredom while ameliorating ur jap. find a singer/group u like and try translating some of their lyrics and memorize them too. good luck and stop...
  8. k_i_mm_i

    French 2004 Top of State

    Kaz- thanks! u did great too! I thought u did jap too as ur name is kazuya but nooo u do french ahaha how wierd..but good wierd.! im not going to uni next yr, ive decided to go to a hospo college and study event management but i put in uac just for fun and i put macquarie (law + commerce) as...
  9. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    hey i got realli obsessed with everything japanese, music, culture, magazines, people, actors, singers, information, journals on the net. I did all of those excercises (grammar) like for fun doing cross words i realli enjoyoed it ahahah maybe im a bit obsessive but thats the way i am...
  10. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    zanen na no wa...watashi wa daigaku de nihongo o benkyoushinai. jitsu wa, daigaku mo ikanai. watashi wa hotel no college ni iku tsumori yo. shikashi, jikan ga attara, kitto nihongo no class ka lesson ni iku kamoshirenai. daigaku de nihongo o benkyosuru hito bito, ganbate kure yo!!!
  11. k_i_mm_i

    French 2004 Top of State

    Hey hey.....!~ Im sure u'll get into BA Lang Chep, and no med for me...i h8 working with sick ppl.
  12. k_i_mm_i

    French 2004 Top of State

    haha i forgot to read this thread! so i was just wondering where tlm had posted all of the results!!! i got 95 for cont and 47/50 for extension...well could have done better in cont but totally unbelievable for ext, i was gonna drop it a few weeks before the HSC cos i thought i was doing so...
  13. k_i_mm_i

    Post your HSC Marks + UAI for SAM 04 results

    eng adv 89 maths 91 music 2 89 (not counted) french 95 French X 47/50 Jap 99 Jap X 48/50 SAM: 99.10 UAI: 99.15 YAY sam is so accurate!
  14. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salut tlm je suis en indonesie en ce moment, j'ai eu de la chance parce que j'etais a bali...tres tres loin du tsunami...merde c'est un catastrophe ca non?...Il y a vers 80 000 personnes qui etaient tues par le tsunami en indonesie. ben...jakarta est encore sal, pollue, cela grouille du...
  15. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    hey mushroom head how's holls? congrats on ur great uai. I got 99 for jap cont
  16. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    i got 4th in jap! yay
  17. k_i_mm_i

    French 2004 Top of State

    I found out who got French This girl topped French and French extension too...and drama as well!! she's from Moriah College. I guess she spent more time studying than posting on this site...ahahaha
  18. k_i_mm_i

    2004 Top of state in japanese

    Hey 2004 Japanese students... Anyone from here got top of state for Japanese continuers/extension etc? Good luck for results and uni :uhhuh: :D :o :eek: :confused: :mad: :o :confused: :D :mad:
  19. k_i_mm_i

    French 2004 Top of State

    hey 2004 Frenchies, Anyone from here got top of state in either French beiginners/continuers/extension/background speakers this year? :D :D :D good luck with results! :uhhuh: :eek:
  20. k_i_mm_i

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salu tlm....vous etes tous toujours ici?, j'ai decide de ne continuer pas le francais apres l' je m'inquiete parce que je sais que je vais l'oublier. donc, je veux faire quelque chose pour empecher ca. premierement, je vais m'abboner a Phosphore, de cette facon je...