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    HSC making you sick?

    hsc is making me have mood swings
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    HSC - Seminars/ Lectures (merged)

    Re: HSC - Seminars/ Lectures when r bowen ones, we should go choles:)
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    worried about sc

    lol true that. i studied 2 days prior i remember being stressed and doing past papers thinking its the hsc, seriously just do light revision and ull get a band 5 or 6. This is coming from a person who found out that they had an extended response in the last 10 minutes and still getting band 6...
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    How did you go in your Economics half-yearly?

    sucks doesnt it, give us the damn 90!!!!
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    Want to be as white as sheet.

    cambos and filos are pretty darkish
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    time management?

    lmao i do that too, i have a subject im supposed to be and i convince myself i want to do chemistry or biology instead of maths etc. Its a bad cycle :rofl:
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    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    im so proud of u choles <3
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    UAI calculation

    okay thanks :)
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    Trial hsc exams

    i have a lot of assessments this term, but after trials were going to learn new topics for sure like options for chem and bio and others...stupid delayed schools
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    UAI calculation

    what are you trying to say, if my ranks stay in the position they are then i have a good chance?
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    UAI calculation

    can i get a uai of 95+ with these ranks...? chemistry 1/28 Biology 1/70 Business 1/128 Economics 2/50 Advanced English 1/60 my school isnt in top 200 thanks
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    Help...still hope for atleast a band 5

    haha show off! although Haber is quite cool!
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    Official HSC timetable

    ur not alone, i have that too! plus biology after maths! atleast i get to finish on the 6th :) but arghh im going to be stressed
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    Official HSC timetable

    bos should be ashamed...english, business studies and chemistry in 3 consecutive days...and maths and biology after it :(:(
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    Weekend Progress

    u sure love ur int.
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    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    haha yer this term is kick ass term :D
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    notes for this topic!

    hi i just printed my notes for this topic and its 20 pages. im very worried that its too much but i tried to cut things this topic meant to be the longest and is this normal? Im worried that i wont be able to learn it all because of its length...please comment
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    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    congrats fab marks :) but i beat u in business and eco :P :):)
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    Marks = ...?

    <3 :p