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    What goes in a drama essay???

    no...u shouldnt explain the story....u should answer the question. you can refer to particular incidents in the story and explain them using them as evidence to support ur agument but the stronger responses do not retell the story.
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    american drama

    i was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas about the representation on expressionism and symbolism on the contemporary stage... thanks for ya help if u can.
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    core 2 question help

    can anybody pls help me answer this question: discuss how prescribed judging criteria are used to measure the quality of a performance - 6 marks comes form the bit about prescribed judging vs personal, but i dont have enough info to write a 6 mark answer. thanks for your help!
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    Quotes for Old Kingdom Egypt

    does anybody have any quotes to use when writing in Exams? from herodotus etc. thanks it u do.
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    colourful log books?

    Alot of the time the examiners wont really read it, especially if ur doing performance....they usually just flick through it, so its good to have alot in it, and make it look a little eye doesnt so much have to be pretty.
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    Art Textbooks?

    we use A.R.T - (A - art , T - theory, R - Research) its a REALLY GOOD TEXT BOOK
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    Analysis of painting!!

    hey guys just wondering if anyone culd help me out analysisng this painting...i suck at it......thanks if ya can help. heres the link:
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    gordon bennett!

    Has anybody got any info on gordon bennett? i have a case study to do on him and theres not too much info on him....thanks if ya can help.
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    HSC Art, enjoying it or regretting it???

    hey...dont worry!!! u will think of somthing for ur major work, it will come to u..... why not choose a really really simple object and just explore it, take it lots of different ways, different meanings fromt he one object etc, for example a simple object like...the tongue...bitter, sour...
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    just want to ask how a physical journey chnges a person in about one sentence....thanks if ya can help out
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    the physical journey - speech

    thanks for ya help........its just to my english class.....and the question well it wasnt really a question just a topic "the physical journey"
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    video drama

    has anyone done video drama? wat exactly does it involve? and does it mark alright? Also where do i find these 3 booklets? -Video Movie-Making - Pre Production - Production - Post Production they are compiled by Peter Gough....he is is one (if not the only one) who marks the HSC...
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    Art Theory

    does anyone have any i can become better at art ok, i just suck at anaylsing artworks ta.
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    the physical journey - speech

    hey, just wondering if anyone has any creative ideas for a speech and the topic is THE PHYSICAL JOURNEY..... i want to make it interesting, and good.....thanks guys.
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    Physical Journey IMAGES

    CAN ANYONE HELP?? i need to find a good cartoon, comic or image relating to a physical journey, like farside or anything??? i cant find a good one anyway... your help would be muchly appreciated. ta.
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    related texts help

    thats cool, i was just wondering if anyone else had done it and could give me a hand. no, Tss
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    related texts help

    well its not that short but not that long either, its 315 pages
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    related texts help

    its a non fiction prose text, kinda like a personal travelogue....of bryson going around Australia
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    related texts help

    i was just wondering if anyone did or is doing bill bryson down Under as a supplementary text..... i was just wondering if anyone could help me relate it to the Skrzynecki poems and a text from the stimulus booklet.....? thanks heaps if u could help out Also...does anyone have any Images or...