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  1. Jumbo Cactuar


    this is a way better solution ... -440 = log_2 (1/x) + ... + log_2 (1/x^10) = log_2 ((1/x) * ... * (1/x^10)) = log_2 (1/x^55) 2^-440 = 1/x^55 2^440 = x^55 x = 2^(440/55) = 256
  2. Jumbo Cactuar

    Calulator settings...

    Ever heard of radians mode ??!!?! pi being a number of degrees of radians!
  3. Jumbo Cactuar

    Calulator settings...

  4. Jumbo Cactuar

    Prediction please

    I'd guess 93% ... maybe Your subjects scale in your favour and you go to a top school ... ... well that is my guess
  5. Jumbo Cactuar

    uai prediction plz..

    I would take a stab at mid 70s, though I don't really know. Depends on your school as well. (Don't think I mean I go to a 'good' school so everyone else is gonna fail, I go to a shite school, but came first or second in all but but one subject)
  6. Jumbo Cactuar

    .... essential for ne hsc student....

    CLASSIC!!! I don't know about 'essential', it didn't move me to any higher level of thinking. Oh well, Fits in excellently with the original, made me bust out in song. My neighbours think that I am weird. Wonder why?!
  7. Jumbo Cactuar

    study and music

    Doesn't it all have to do with brain patterns, that classical music forms smooth regular brain waves, where as heavy music forms chaotic irregular brain waves? well I can't talk, I can only study with some good 'ole System!
  8. Jumbo Cactuar

    mechanics help

    I find harder 3U simple, dynamics and circular motion give me nightmares. And I have finally mastered complex nos.
  9. Jumbo Cactuar

    4u maths VERSUS 3u maths

    yes I find I teabag 3U cause I have had experienced pretty much every question they can ask, but with 4U there endless permutations of the type questions they can ask. You go into the exam with your skills and hope you can see a way through to an answer (not nessessarily the right one half the...
  10. Jumbo Cactuar

    Have You Ever Cheated In An Exam

    Hey you are lucky, I had to slide through a window the size of a pet flap!
  11. Jumbo Cactuar

    Have You Ever Cheated In An Exam

    thank you and I almost did, I even had the courtesy to dispribute it through the entire class the day before (not the teacher obviously) and I still came first at 98.8% by a margin of 25%
  12. Jumbo Cactuar

    What do you regret?

    got more digits ;) cracked open more slabs ;) I woulda done Eng Ex/2 so my 2 units of compulsory english were a novella and my best of 3 other english units and not ALL change and modules! btw i teabag creative writing (average 95% sinse yr 8)
  13. Jumbo Cactuar

    Naturally smart

    'Socially arranged?' how is society linear? What do you define as the peak of society? money? power?, are they a measure of social RANK Even if I was the smartest person alive I wouldn't want either... Just because YOU are despised by society and are perhaps sharper than your...
  14. Jumbo Cactuar

    Your favourites

    I love you man! Except wtf =======> female tv star: Chick off Alyson Mack :o
  15. Jumbo Cactuar

    so what are you listening to

    Hey anybody going to the QOTSA concert? anybody?
  16. Jumbo Cactuar

    so what are you listening to

    last song: creep - radiohead this song: bull in the heather - sonic youth next song: lost art of keeping a secret - QOTSA
  17. Jumbo Cactuar

    probability question - wrong answer?

    yeah the P(S>8) = 10 x 1/36 = 5/18 and P(S>8 1d=4) = 4 x 1/36 = 1/9
  18. Jumbo Cactuar

    eliminating STUPID STUPID mistakes

    I found the opposite for me, so I have no resolved to doing most questions in less than three lines. btw I do m/ex 2, so I don't know what the examiners are gonna think!!
  19. Jumbo Cactuar

    ff7 - advent children

    YEEHHHEEESSSS AAAWWWWEEESSSSSOMMMMEEEEE Shame there will only be regular cactuars in it...
  20. Jumbo Cactuar

    Your favourites

    tv show; CNNN for sure