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  1. inasero

    Medicine at otago

    i say if you go for it you're facing pretty stiff's just like going into medical science in australia with the hope of transferring into need super high marks. think about it this probably wont get in and then youll be stuck in a relatively obscure...
  2. inasero

    The trouble with love is..??

    ive seen debating and chess called a sport so anything goes
  3. inasero

    sweet or horny?

    talking like yoda you are
  4. inasero


    yeah from what you told me it sounds as if you got carpal tunnel syndrome which isnt really pleasant...but yeah take it easy fortunately i havent experienced it before but i can imagine that it must be pretty painful and difficult. did you end up finishing your assignment by the way? :p
  5. inasero

    Clinical Vs Research Medicine

    obviously we can learn by experience but then we wouldn't understand the biochemical and physiological basis of disease which might make treatment hard...i think the current system is good as it is...
  6. inasero

    60 Minutes - Skin Cancer

    its not as serious as you all make it out to be...all things in moderation is the way to go...sun too...just don't tan for too long and always slip slop and slap, get your moles and blotches checked out etc etc
  7. inasero

    Q about umat mark

    if you knew that there's no point asking in the first place is there einstein?
  8. inasero

    The trouble with love is..??

    It's all about practice. I have two left feet but I could master paranoia on DDR 2nd remix (ahhh back in the days:)) after practice...though I'm probably unoordinated as usual now that I haven had practice hehe
  9. inasero

    Q about umat mark

    lexi got a zillion billion squiliion marks both scaled and percentage wise...nothing compares to THE lexi :p
  10. inasero

    The trouble with love is..??

    ddr is definitely a sport... if running around, "letting your legs do all the work while you hold onto a bar" isn't a sport then I beg to differ- tell me what's a stair stepper or treadmill then? DDR is great for burning calories and fun too! fun fun fun!
  11. inasero

    Bi and lesbian girls

    i came out of the closet with a guy once...literally :) it was dark inside... scared the crap out of everybody in the tute room hehe
  12. inasero

    Q about umat mark

    ^what that thing said
  13. inasero


    right...and this is coming from a guy who abused me in Non-School?
  14. inasero


    well for one gluteus maximii hurt :(
  15. inasero


    i guess we neednt worry about that if we're playing at a social if squash can do that to you then i reckon table tennis and badminton would have to be the same what with all that starting and stopping
  16. inasero


    played for the first time with a mate the other day...mad fun! who here thinks it's a great sport? :)
  17. inasero

    Should i read the bible?

    Again, please shut up and stop attacking Christian theology...especially since you're not one yourself you are in no position to criticize anything. You don't see me criticizing the Koran now do you? If you were such a learned and educated scholar as you make yourself out to be, then you...
  18. inasero

    Defering medicine

    yeah dont waste tome talking about that and even if they ask just be honest and I'm sure they'll credit you for it if you have a valid reason...