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  1. inasero

    Should i read the bible?

    A verse in support: Luke 11:29 ESV
  2. inasero

    SDL or Academic Med Course?

    well i can say for sure that alot of people are dissatisfied there are not enough core sciences taught at monash and these have been downgraded in favour of communications, ethics and legal practice... Now as much as communications are important, I think the faculty at Monash are overdoing it...
  3. inasero

    UMAT Practice Questions

    by second year, maybe you will...but then again the bodies might stop coming in by then
  4. inasero

    I'm Lost

    yeah equilibrium i tend to agree with's best for you to choose a generic degree... you mentioned that you were interested in sciences and good for you BSc is a nice generic degree which you don't have to major in until your later years. In fact, if you manage to pull off >97...
  5. inasero

    UMAT Practice Questions

    :rolleyes: at least she's cute
  6. inasero

    UMAT Practice Questions

    ^potential medical student :rolleyes:
  7. inasero

    Interstate Students at Uni Tas

    the answer to your question can be found on the UTas site...go search
  8. inasero


    haha mike where did you get these random korean pics from?
  9. inasero

    Should i read the bible?

    You are right in saying that Christinity held science back, and your example of the church dominance in the dark ages effectivey stifling Galileo's scientific endavours is a good example of this. Furthermore, I do have a great respect for the scientific contributions that Islamic scholars have...
  10. inasero

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    oh hey Kim, would be nice if you could refrain from blaspheming against the name of God thanks! Anyways....for pics of my new place in Melb click here: You sort of...
  11. inasero


    Okay maybe I didn't word my argument so logically...I meant that since David is eating alot of calories (it seems more than his metabolic rate could handle) but he is not putting on any weight there would be factors other than a high metabolic rate involved. My reasoning is that everybody...
  12. inasero


    colin you dont understand...david said he's been eating alot of calories so you can't attribute everything to his metabolism...
  13. inasero

    plz - a summarised way to apply for med

    I reckon all "prospective" medical students should show at least some initiative and not expect other people to do the work for them...You might get away with it in high school...but not in the big bad world of university! Anyway j.u.l.i.e, you can find all the relevant links on the "read...
  14. inasero


    yep ragey you see the problem is that you need to exercise releases stuff called human growth hormone... but essentially i was the same...about 175cm and 58kg... now I'm still the same height and 65 kg BMI = 21.1 w00t! (BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight =...
  15. inasero

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    hows adelaide treating you alvin? oh yeah i got a pic of my room post it up for ya!
  16. inasero

    Is sex overrated?

    agree with ya 100% there!
  17. inasero

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    yeah and another point is losing revenue...they get a rebate from the gov't for every HECS place they run (equivalent to full fee - Band 1 HECS fee) in order to be failed you have to either: a) be really crap at a course or b) hate that course with a passion
  18. inasero

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    yeah but adelaide and flinders are small scale schools anyhows its not a fair comparison
  19. inasero

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    yeah thats the problem...apart from the Go8 universities, there are no universities which have sufficient infrastructure to handle a medical course and so the government is cramming students into the existing medical schools, as well as importing deregistered medical practitioners who cannot...
  20. inasero

    What is unique about UNSW Medicine

    they have vertical integration, which means that you might have a few lectures/tutes where you end up with other years' students... what else...hmm dunno you might want to ask Fosweb or Skywalker or Sique about it