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    Rap Battles.

    What the hell, you cant be serious, Granville a ghetto? Man gather up your fags, put on a skirt and some stilettos Stop spitting your shit like you're a fucken gangster Everyone here knows all you are is a wanker AK, beretta, shit i'm fucken scared Oh wait, hold up a second, that implies I...
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    PS3 worth buying? or just waiting till the price down.

    I thinking PS3 worth buying not yet. If waiting a while maybe price drop or otherwise get cheap from market. kekekeke~ ^_^"
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    Perl IDE

    I've been using pico for all my coding :o
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    Rap Battles.

    ROFLMAO this wins
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    Perl IDE

    Taking COMP2041 too, eh?
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    Forum upgrade

    ...the fuck?
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    proving vectors are not part of the subspace

    If you're asking what I'm thinking you are, formally. Do you have any examples?
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    HSC Notes-Im giving them away!

    Useful notes ^^ Pretty much got me through the course (with bits and pieces for elsewhere). Hi snapperhead!
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    I think im starting to *gasp* ...enjoy uni. Theres something strangely satisfying about spending an eternity figuring out how to multiply numbers in assembly language. Higher Algebra is still hard though :(
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    Bankstown Area/Online Tutoring for Maths and Physics: UAI 99.40, 3rd in state Maths

    Re: Bankstown Area/Online Tutoring for Maths and Physics: UAI 99.40, 3rd in state Mat Only on weekdays :o
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    Bankstown Area/Online Tutoring for Maths and Physics: UAI 99.40, 3rd in state Maths

    Hey guys, I've been considering doing this for a little while now and figured I'd see if there was any interest. I'm offering tutoring in Maths, Maths Ext 1 and Physics in the Bankstown and surrounding areas. Quick things to know: - Completed my HSC in 2004, 99.40 UAI - Results: Maths 99/100...
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    The Notorious B.I.G VS Tupac

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    4th year subjects are the MATH5xxx ?
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    Yes, I'm doing pure. I can't stand applied. Dont mind stats but it's not something im interested in.
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    Hmm, not a lot of the 3rd year courses look that appealing to me. I need 30 uoc of courses for honours, right now the only one that I definitely want to do is MATH3411 Information, Codes and Ciphers
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    Hey guys, just thought i'd up my post count. So...why are all the cse labs seemingly empty this semester? I struggled to get a computer first semester but now I'm often in empty labs.
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    As far as I can remember, other than learning the basic matrix/vector stuff, the only things we really did were eigenvalues/vectors. But you must remember usyd only does one 3uoc linear algebra subject in first semester of first year, then nothing else until 2nd year.
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    bumpedy bump, anyone on here actually in these subjects? Anyways: MATH2601 - Hard, hard, hard. I'm really behind :( I just realised usyd didnt prepare me well for this subject, unsw students learn way more in first year (usyd didnt even touch on things like bases, spans etc.), and its assumed...
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    general UNSW chit-chat

    I have two lectures in OMB. I got lost looking for both of them :o
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    Is 0 even?

    Whether 0 is even basically comes down to how you define divisibility. If you define a number being even meaning it is divisible by 2 and has any integer quotient, then 0 is even. I've never seen any reason at all to not include 0 as a possible quotient, so why would you? All saying 0 isnt even...