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  1. goldendawn

    Word Count

    I had about that much at this point as well. Don't get stressed, you still have plenty time :). Do as much as you can now, and maintain a disciplined approach (as hard as that is with a cretive piece!).
  2. goldendawn

    rnt or jouney to the interior?

    In the end, it should come down to which text you actually like more. Which one of them really interests you? I did Physical Journeys but I still managed to fit in "Journey to the Interior", and to get a high band six. Your analysis of the text will be greatly improved if you are interested...
  3. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Anatidaephobia: the fear that somewhere, somehow...a duck is watching you!
  4. goldendawn

    Origins and History: The Modern Greeks

    The origin of the Modern Greek people has been a polemic issue in modern academics since the 18th century. Political machinations, racial doctrines and nationalist fervour have in their own ways been forces of misrepresentation - often having been based upon selective readings and unstable...
  5. goldendawn

    Death of the Original Story

    I apologise for being verbose :) - sometimes I get carried away.
  6. goldendawn

    could I trouble you for an opinion? =)

    Satire is not the be all and end all of philosophical, or for that matter "sophisticated" writing. It is in the tradition of western angst, and it was particularly glorified during the 19th century. Subliminal meanings are also effectively conveyed through semiotic writing - in which symbolism...
  7. goldendawn

    Question about how far is too far!

    Hey Tim, there is actually a literary philosophy close to what you are talking about - it's called Metafiction. In Metafiction, the composer reflects upon the fact that their story is ultimately a construction - espousing the (somewhat Postmodern) belief that our own daily reality is likewise a...
  8. goldendawn

    Death of the Original Story

    It is not very common to find EE2 students using the traditional OCER structure of narrative in their Major Works. Part of this can be attributed to the Board of Studies gratuitous (and somewhat moronic) weakness for Postmodern ambiguity, and part of it can be attributed to the desire to find a...
  9. goldendawn

    Using Other Languages?

    The markers are interested in the creative use of various textual features in the Major Work. It is perfectly sound to use other languages - in your case, dialogues in French - if they serve a legitimate purpose (which can be justified in your Reflection Statement). As long as the Major Work is...
  10. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Haha. We people can pay as much or as little attention to anything we want. You insult us not only by stating that our minds are "irrelevant", but by being presumptuous enough to instruct us. I don't understand why your frustration has been directed at us, but I am concerned that you have...
  11. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    "These are a few of my favourite things!" :p
  12. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Well done Katie!! :)
  13. goldendawn

    Hsc At Tafe?

    What you are doing is bullding an environment of animosity, where this forum was made to HELP people. Your posts are destructive; and this is nowhere more apparent than when you make baseless statements about Kami. You posts are not critical in a useful way, they are critical in a purely egoic...
  14. goldendawn

    Hsc At Tafe?

    I would like to point out that what soso is doing can also be considered the spreading of misinformation. Claiming that Kami is "in the wrong place", and by suggesting that he is a teacher, is unfounded. Everyone on BoS is aware that the information posted in any thread is potentially...
  15. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    The fact that Alan is alive, and is wanting anything, means that God exists. God is not exclusive, ;). EDIT: AKA - Liam is a dirty whore! "hehez"
  16. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Marcus says: "Hello I-PR". Marcus has nothing particularly interesting to say tonight, "hehe".
  17. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Marcus squints - "I haven't been here for a while. Where am I again?" hehe :p
  18. goldendawn


    haha - maybe I just explained it poorly.
  19. goldendawn

    Need MEGA help on whether or not to drop it!

    I agree with Justin. If the subject (the teacher, the circumstances, etc) is distressing you, it's not worth wasting yourself with it. But if you really love writing, then you can only stick to it and do your best, despite the teachers attitude. This subject is for YOU, not the teacher; all your...
  20. goldendawn

    Important - Please Read

    Marcus remarks that he hasn't spoken to Justin in a while...:(