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  1. X

    download accelerator plus query

    Well first it searchers for the fastest server with the same file to download from. The it splits the download to about 8 or so "chunks" depending on your connection and it then gets each chunk from a different server (one server may be uploading more than one chunk). If theirs only one server...
  2. X

    links to major projects

    Yeh i know what you meant. What i said above. :)
  3. X

    download accelerator plus query

    Theres DAP7? The latest i see is 5.3?
  4. X

    download accelerator plus query

    Im not sure if this might work but try choosing the "normal speed" for the acceleration mode in options. If that doesnt work, use getright, equally as good or maybe better. I use both DAP for small files (quick and easy to use) and getright for larger files. EDIT: sorry i thought you wanted...
  5. X

    Has the RIAA's harsh actions scared you away from Kazaa?

    LOL POEMS! heheh, thats the only thing u wont find in kazaa :D
  6. X

    2 interesting articles

    Go the PigeonRank! :D
  7. X

    Has the RIAA's harsh actions scared you away from Kazaa?

    Im not sure if this has been mentioned in the thread (too lazy to read now) but the latest kazaa lite has an option to block RIAA ip numbers. You can also update the IP block list within kazaa lite. :) edit: Not only RIAA but other companies too.
  8. X

    2 interesting articles

    For as long as google stays the way it is (ie not swamped with ads), microsoft will find it hard to beat it, without doing the same thing (probably loose money). heh, imagine typing "windows XP warez" in microsofts engine. :D
  9. X

    links to major projects

    Half plus a bit, all dont work properly (depending on the speed your travelling). The only way it works is if u r travelling at a fast speed, then u can do "half + bit" or just half. But start going slow, it will get stuck. Collisions: If Radius Of Car1 + Radius Of Car2 > distance between...
  10. X


    Not if he wants to use it for everyday things. :p About that guy, wasn't due to some sort of radiation from the laptop or did it actually get burnt?
  11. X

    Best of Software:

    -Office Suites ( -Graphic Programs (GIMP) -P2P Sharing apps (Kazaa, Overnet) -CD Burning tools (Nero 6, clonecd, CDBAKEOVEN) -Firewalls (ZoneAlarm, Tiny Personal Firewall) -AntiVirus (PC-Cillin) -MP3 Player (Winamp 2.9) -Browser(Mozilla Phoenix) -Instant Messenger (KMESS...
  12. X

    Best Value CPU's

    Remember, intel tends to hype / exagerate its upcomming products allot. Dont forget, amd will be relasing its Hammer based processors soon, which have some nice specs. They will be increasing the L2 chache size later on too. Also, with the Hammers, they're clockspeed will be able to scale...
  13. X

    Best Value CPU's

    Well currently, the fastest p4 outperforms the fastest athlon (not by much though) , however with the price difference, i would go for an athlon and with the money i will save, i can get a high end graphics card which will outperform a machine that i would have bought with a p4. But if your a...
  14. X

    links to major projects

    Thats the reason i didnt make the car loose energy when colliding. It gets stuck even more.
  15. X

    Poll: Best OS

    Better still, if u have windows xp, boot from the cd and go to repair. In the command promp type "fixmbr", that will make ure windows the default OS to boot (with no boot manager). Also, when u install linux and have the option of choosing either lilo or grub as the boot manager, select grub...
  16. X

    Tell me about Uni!

    I got a question too. When people say "Bachelor of science - major in physics" does that mean u got a degree in physics? Another example. "Bachelor of engineering-Major in computers". lol
  17. X

    Poll: Best OS

    Ok thanks for that McLake. Last question now :p With computer engineering at UNSW and computer systems engineering at UTS, is that a totaly different degree or is it the same with different wording?
  18. X

    Best Value CPU's

    The athlons are cam sustain an internal core temp of 90 degrees. So the 40-50 degrees u get is perfectactly normal with Athlons. Once u pass 60, thats when u should start getting worried, but anything less, its normal.
  19. X

    Poll: Best OS

    Ok so thats the only difference between SE and CE in UNSW? Nothing more? Thanks for your reply btw. Who does computer systems engineering at UTS?
  20. X

    Flip Flops

    I think we only need to know the RS flip flop. The other ones get a little too complicated lol.