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  1. X

    History of the control-alt-delete

    I sore this some where in OCAU i think? lol, its like a dejavo.
  2. X

    Algorithm Question - Everyone Welcome

    Our teacher says that its acceptable to use VB syntax in psedoucode since its very similar to english.
  3. X


    Well there isnt much difference between slackware and debian other than debian having great package management and slackware being the oldest linux distro. :D They're the top 2 linux distro's in my opinion.
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    Im not sure where the problem lies as even with redhat 9.0 the problem was evident even though programs / kernel was updated. You probably are one of the lucky ones then if it worked for you. However, moving from redhat to slackware has showed a HUGE difference in loading times, running /...
  5. X


    Ahh probably is i cant remember. I know some distros use "startx" while others use just "x" though.
  6. X

    Algorithm Question - Everyone Welcome

    ok thanks allot then. I used 'x' to make it easier to read, alteast easeir for me. :p
  7. X

    Linux Heaps and heaps of users including me, have had problems with redhat 8. Basically memory leaks galore even after a full kernel recompile. Versions of redhat before 8 were great. The bugs im talking about in redhat have nothing to do with the extra programs but some sort of core app...
  8. X


    Dude, trust me redhat aint good. Go for mandrake instead, theyre both similar. Redhat has HEAPS of bugs and memory leak problems. Slackware or Debian aint hard to install either. They GUI during installation isnt graphicall but has text mode graphics which is simple. All u need is to know how...
  9. X


    Slackware gets my vote. Very stable and fast compared to deadrat. 9.1 was just released as someone mentioned but i havent time to try it out yet (HSC). Go for either Debian or Slackware and dont bother with deadrat. Mandrake is ok i guess for simplicicity. For linux programs go to...
  10. X

    Algorithm Question - Everyone Welcome

    any one? :D
  11. X

    CPU temperature

    Unless you O/C your ram too. :D
  12. X

    CHEAP COMPUTERS (computer fair prices)

    Yep! :D
  13. X

    Help Please

    If your using internet Exploder, go Tools > Options > Security Tab. Under were it says "Select web content zone....", select each of the icons and click default level. Then go to Privacy Tab and move the slider so it says "medium" or just click default. Hope that helped.
  14. X

    To Sam Davis

    How much is the Sam Davis textbook? Im considering getting one my self. Winston: Do u know exactly what the Alan Fowler textbook is missing? Thanks :)
  15. X

    Algorithm Question - Everyone Welcome

    Will this method get full marks you recon? Its not as efficient since it searches the whole array before exiting the loop. Begin CalcPrice() UserDest = Get destination from user; NumSingle = Get no of 1 way tickets; NumReturn = Get no of return tickets...
  16. X

    IT careers

    Getting a job at a computer store is really easy but getting a job as a programmer you either have to know the guy your working for personally or have atleast a few years experience in programming, which i doubt any HSC student has (no i dont mean doing SDD or programming at home). :p
  17. X

    CPU temperature

    lol, u need a license to be able to buy LN2 and something to store it in which costs HEAPS. HUY: So do TBRED B's, mine goes to 2400+ (from 1800+) with shity stock cooling and rock stable. Their also .13 micron. :cool:
  18. X

    CPU temperature

    OMG i did it again. I thought all those didnt go through so i just did it again. lol Sorry guys! Whats wrong anyway?
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    CPU temperature

  20. X

    CPU temperature

    Do you know what HSF your using?