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    Maths Talented Students Program

    Yeah, i was thinking of doing some 3rd year subjects this year, but i just wouldnt be able to fit it considering theres 24 uoc of core 2nd year maths units and another 6 of discrete which i need to do. Then the 18 uoc of comp units for 2nd year.
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    Maths Talented Students Program

    Is there any program like this for 2nd years? I was offered 2nd year SSP at usyd (which they wouldnt let me do 1st year because i didnt do 4 unit maths), a little too late since i had left by then :(
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    So UNSW ppl.. How many mates/friends have u made so far!!!

    :( I'll have you know im at least 70% in the head!
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    So UNSW ppl.. How many mates/friends have u made so far!!!

    I've been around a few different people, but they're all people i knew before uni. Havent met any randoms i didnt know before uni yet.
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    first day

    Although this is my 2nd year uni, its my first year at unsw. Probably couldnt have been a worse start. I only had one hour of class, a comp2711 lecture at 10-11. So i show up to the room the timetable i printed a while ago said: 'Electrical Engineering G25'. However, no one was there! Having no...
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    2006 Subjects

    Semester 1: MATH2111 - Higher Several Variable Calculus MATH2901 - Higher Theory of Statistics MATH2240 - Introduction to Oceanography and Meteorology COMP2711 - Higher Data Organisation HPSC1100 - Cosmos and Culture Semester 2 MATH1081 - Discrete Mathematics MATH2601 - Higher Linear Algebra...
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    When do notes go up on WebCT

    Isnt this assuming the lecturer decides to release notes at all?
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    Web Ct

    wait until it says you have courses on there.....
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    Convergence is not only university work.

    You know thats not what slidey meant, buchanan
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    Semester 1 - Course Selection [ What the...? ]

    I wouldnt worry too much about that whole 185 in 3/4 unit criteria, it really doesnt mean a whole lot. I only did 3 unit and took all maths at an advanced level last year, albeit at usyd, and I managed fine, and pulled out 4 HDs in 4 advanced maths subject. I was even allowed to do the special...
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    condoms or bareback???

    withdrawal method doesnt protect from pre cum edit: i guess i should mention the chances of getting pregnant from that is really low, but still a possibility.
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    MATH2240 - Anyone done it?

    The main reason im doing it: last year at usyd i only did 45 uoc, thus im 3 uoc short. So this semester im doing 27 to make up for it, math2240 being the extra 3 uoc. Im also taking math2111, 2901, 2601 and 1081 this year. I have to do complex analysis since its a core, but i want to do the...
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    MATH2240 - Anyone done it?

    Oh dont get me wrong, i know having 2 hour lectures doesnt mean its a small workload. All the usyd first year maths were 3 uoc and 2 hours of lectures and the workload was a fair bit.
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    so whos doing any it course at uni/tafe?

    Ive been in B IT at usyd, now in comp sci at unsw
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    Who here's never had a gf/bf on valentine's day

    I havent, but this year shall be different! :)
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    How often do you have wet dreams?

    Only ever had it once before, a long time ago. Havent since then.
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    Problems loading BOS pages

    please stfu if you have nothing relevant to add
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    Problems loading BOS pages

    Yes, ive had it too. I thought it was optusnet, because they've been having problems with international sites, but it only seems to be bos thats not loading properly now. All other sites are fine.
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    unsw credit point transfer

    I applied monday, got accepted on thursday, but they didnt contact me. To know if its been done, log onto myunsw -> My student profile -> Academic Statement (on the left). It'll tell you what you've been credited for. Would look something like this...
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    Post your timetable!

    Classes should finish 5 minutes before the hour and start 5 minutes after the hour