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    Post your timetable!

    This seems to be what im gonna stick to now: Semester 1 Timetable It wont let me enrol in advanced maths because i got credited for first year maths, thus dont satisfy the 'greater than 70' criteria. Must contact them.
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    selecting courses

    I dont think the system will allow you to do it in first year for bsc
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    Hecs Form

    roflzz1!! i jelos of ur grate englis skillz!1
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    selecting courses

    Yes, but be aware that courses might fill up, so the sooner you get into something the better.
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    Hecs Form

    rofl i remember her
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    MATH2240 - Anyone done it?

    Hey all, ive basically enrolled in Introduction to Oceanography and Meteorology because it looked semi-decent (and also filled a 3 hour gap i had on thursdays :P) Doing it means im overloading (27 uoc). Just wondering from anyone that has done it how demanding it is/how large is the workload...
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    Calls from your ex bf's gf??

    <death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed <ktp753>ouch. <death09>yeah.i sent them to her dad Good old bash :D
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    team unsw!

    congrats on getting into med Kieran! :)
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    team unsw!

    Name: Vince degree: 2nd year BSc (comp sci)/BSc (major in maths), 1st year at unsw (one year at usyd) High school: LaSalle Catholic College class of 04 Subjects (semester 1 2006): COMP2041, COMP2711, MATH2111, MATH2091, HPSC1100 Other: You'll find me sexing Danni07 ;)
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    All right, who'll be joining the ranks next year?

    BSc (Comp sci)/BSc making to move from usyd. Maths major for the bsc part.
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    Aust. Maritime College Bar Renovations

    So long as I get my daily jugs worth im happy =)
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    Comeback Thread

    'Ho please, you better bow down on both knees' courtesy of dr dre :)
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    Premier's Awards

    over 90 in 10 units
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    Consecutive lectures

    30 uoc, only one clash, and monday practically off (only 1 skippable lecture). I love it :D
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    BOS University Guide: A Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni [A Work In Progress]

    umm the only thing maybe is the explanation of what a lecture is, mainly that there are often 2 or 3 hour lectures :)
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    Is Firefox>Explorer?

    I use Avant, its sort of a skin that runs on top of IE. I love it and haven't had any security issues at all since i've used it (a good 3-4 months now). Its less bloated, has more features and extremely customisable. edit: features built in that i use include auto refresh pages in specified...
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    Sex Before Marriage

    You're going to hell Josie :D Damn you and your heathen sexual practices! :)
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    I think before any argument, on either side, takes place on what is said in the bible, we must remember a few things: 1. Christians dont claim the bible to be direct word of God, and what i mean by that is God himself did not send down the words in the bible and it was contributed to by many...
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    magnitudes and vector length!

    Not those types of vectors though, thats pretty much (in nsw at least) some first year uni stuff.