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  1. inasero

    questions on monash

    you have a quote by a pope...interesting :p would never have picked that up unless I read "The DaVinci Code"... yeah as for your question, best bet is to go to your school or local library and looking up the "good universities" guide which will compare universities and graduate outcomes...
  2. inasero

    Why not medicine?

    yeah in monash med theres actually more competition to be placed in the rural hospitals- shock horror!
  3. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    How can you give someone a hydrocele...I thought CF was a genetically acquired disease.
  4. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    Yes Alvin, you will 'pwn' him with your stethoscope lol. Imagine getting pwned by ebola or smallpox...ouch. Does anybody know why the ebola outbreak died down in America instead of spelling their armageddon?
  5. inasero

    The best way

    I have to agree with Alvin there...please list your situation and we could try to offer you some suggestions. Of course the obvious answer is, if you really stuffed up your UAI (thats less than 90 for Medicine) you stand no chance. You should work towards improving your UAI and apply for...
  6. inasero

    After grad med....???

    Please read through the relevant FAQ's before listing the question. This must be the seventh or eigth time Alvin has answered this question! Thanks :)
  7. inasero

    Why not medicine?

    Wrong again. Because of the shortage of physicians, doctors find they have to take on more of a 'jack of all trades' approach. In one recent incident, a GP performed a minor surgical procedure via teleconferencing on a patient who presented with a subdural haematoma. You won't find GPs...
  8. inasero

    Why not medicine?

    that is not true...the only people who you will find in a rural setting are those who are forced to on the government rural bonded scholarship scheme, or truly have a passion for rural health (or both).
  9. inasero

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    never heard of that one? this smells of urban myth
  10. inasero

    Job prospects

    lolz so true...don't make the same mistake those people did...Med-sci DOES NOT give an advantage to potential med-entrants. Do it if you're set on medical research as a back-up career.
  11. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    lol typical med tryhard quote! I really hope you're joking!!!
  12. inasero

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    Is that so? Do you guys use pots as well? In Monash we get whole cadavers 'fresh' off the slab. don't go there girlfriend...
  13. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    e.coli is hardly what I'd call an 'infectious' bout u come over some time and I get you some Clostridium aye Bob? Whadaya say? :)
  14. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    sif you have any 'live infectious cultures' in the first place! Anyways, they may have a legitimate reason for wanting to study only at UNSW. e.g., geographical inconvenience, financial difficulties.
  15. inasero

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    By the way I feel kinda bad saying this but the bodies look like chunks of meat after a while. Hope I haven't put anybody off dinner :D
  16. inasero

    Do Med students do practicals on corpses?

    They don't. They merely pay for your cremation fees. The funeral is a formal event in which people gather to remember the deceased. I could post cadaveric pictures from my textbook here...but I think Robert (Lexicographer) would go the way of political correctness and pull it off straight away...
  17. inasero

    Wollongong Med?

    really? what I know for sure is that the University of Notre Dame is opening a faculty in Sydney for Graduate Med. Are you sure you didn't get those two confused?
  18. inasero

    Prospective Med Students 2006

    its not that great a deal gaining accreditation in commonwealth countries (unlike the situation in the US) Newcastle isn't that great as it sounds.
  19. inasero

    Why not medicine?

    you don't go into med for 'social standing'...
  20. inasero

    Phantom of the Opera

    am i the only one here or is all the male acting/singing 'wooden', as somebody else described?