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  1. inasero

    Who got an offer for unsw med??

    23 now?! man its 27-28 at monash...five days a week...inflexible timetable what r u whinging about?!
  2. inasero

    Question about Medicine at Melbourne University

    i dunno....what do you mean Monash has terrible administration? anyhows i pretty much agree with you rother comments. I wrote my own personal reply:
  3. inasero

    med in sydney universities

    yes the million dollar question- WHY did you accept your offer in USyd? Do you know how hard it is to maintain a Wam of 80?
  4. inasero

    the cutoffs for MED

    i wouldnt say slight...they can enter with equivalent UMATs and interview scores and UAI several points lower. That's alot of difference I would say...
  5. inasero

    Monash vs. UNSW (med)

    it is.......qwerty :)
  6. inasero

    med in sydney universities

    yep its stupid...other universities have provisional entry programs. E.g. ANU, UQ and you only need to maintain fairly low averages and mediocre GAMSAT to enter graduate medicine
  7. inasero

    Umat 2005

    oh wow really? ok listen to Robert then he has seen first hand how trends have changed over the years. For that I recommend you do alot of Mensa puzzles.
  8. inasero


    you may be prepared for the ladies. But ask yourself this- are the ladies prepared for you? :D
  9. inasero

    Umat 2005

    yes they are useful...but most section 3 puzzles are the ones where you should find shapes in a tangle of lines...for that I reckon agoneyes or amepp is great!
  10. inasero

    Umat 2005

    The question is, will their 'f--ing' work in your favour? :p
  11. inasero

    2nd shot at undergrad med...??

    'Defer' means that you didnt accept the offer and wish to enrol next year. Intermission is where you commence a course and take a year off for various reasons. What Robert is saying is that at Monash and Adelaide, if you have previously enrolled in a degree, then you are ineligible for applying...
  12. inasero

    Monash vs. UNSW (med)

    Yes that's true. It's because at Melbourne University they have a 6 year BA/MBBS or BMedSc/MBBS degree. If you feel like you're missing out then by all means you can take extra units and the degrees will be equivalent. As for comparison with UNSW. UNSW is 6 years for the MBBS and Monash is 5...
  13. inasero

    Monash vs. UNSW (med)

    It seems you're confused about what happens after graduation. To clarify, you do your internship and residency at hospital while undertaking your graduate fellowship at the same time (ie. specialising). So even though you come out of Monash a year earlier than other students, it's not as if you...
  14. inasero


    has anybody even questioned the integrity of that site? it could be like getting info from today tonight you never know...
  15. inasero

    Lets give a warm welcome to our new friend

    ok praps you will have more luck with the ladies there ehe :P so how did kenny get in? where/what did he transfer from? whats his UAI? i feel jipped..i mean not that I would have applied anyway but by missing out by the breadth of a hair in 2004 we now see the UAI drops to 99.15. wtf?!
  16. inasero

    Who got an offer for unsw med??

    by "new course" do you mean "new course" or "new new course? :p Because, we all know what happened when UNSW implemented a new course ehe *waits to be flamed by yewon*
  17. inasero

    Umat 2005

    haha you better make sure you can improve on your near perfect score because only the most recent UMAT results are taken into consideration!!! That might be a difficult challenge...
  18. inasero

    the Life of a Med Student

    yep true...i envy people who can cram a few days before exams and ace I envy people who study hard and ace them. By the way Skywalker how were your study habits and did they serve you well when you got your results back?
  19. inasero

    questions on monash

    oops yes THIS year...sorry still in holiday mode ehehe
  20. inasero


    hey there there lexi...try again next time....whether its this year or three years later! by the way bubz...did you get a ...a...TATTOO?!