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  1. inasero

    B Med Science, is it a complete risk ??

    yes what ^he DON'T have to study Med Sci to apply for Medicine...Science will serve you just as well and has more career opportunities if you stuff up
  2. inasero

    Science (adv) and Medical science

    if you undertake a BMedSci (what lexicographer likes to call a BGamsat lol) then you will most likely either transfer into Medicine or be stuck in the Medical Research industry
  3. inasero

    Forensic Science

    yeah from what my impression tells me, alot of high school students necessarily equate their undergraduate degree to certain occupations. While this may be true for degrees such as BTeach or MBBS, you'll find that in degrees which are as flexible as, say, science, the career opportunities are...
  4. inasero

    Acute MI

    :confused: ask me next year lol
  5. inasero

    Application Guide for med/dent to Oz

    section 1- logic puzzles section 2- interpersonal skills and communication section 3- visual-spatial cognition
  6. inasero

    those who have had their interviews

    yeah work experience is good i guess....but remember you dont have to go to a nursing home or a gp clinic or hospital...i guess the best kind of experience is where you understand the holistic approach to health (i.e. not being comprised only of a pathological basis). So I would recommend...
  7. inasero

    UWS medicine

    in the distant future 07-08?...but yeah if its postgrad as u say, then you might not have to wait too long at all since u can do a degree in the meantime
  8. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    let me answer your question with another question. Say you were on a sinking raft with you, a fellow human being who is a stranger and a monkey, who(which) would you save? To compare a human life with an animals is unfair. Humans were created to rule over animals. Of course this doesn't mean...
  9. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    I think you misunderstood me there, or I could have misunderstood you? Anyhows, the reason I said what I did was because you justified abortion on the grounds that babies can't remember pain in the womb, therefore they can't have experienced it, therefore they don't constitute a life. Then by...
  10. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    Do you remember being breastfed? Do you remember shitting your nappies? If you do then I'll gladly concede my argument. Now who's shooting themselves in the foot?
  11. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    But please, forget I ever mentioned anything about Christianity because it's not necessary to establish a pro-life argument (perhaps this would sound logical to you then). The one thing which has failed to be explained to be is, abortionists believe that before a certain term, a baby cannot be...
  12. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    Maybe your assertion that it's harder for a male to understand feminist theory attests to your lack of "feminist argument"-ative skills. My English teacher was a male AND a feminist- shock! Secondly, I wasn't suggesting that the needs of society be placed ahead of the individual. Yes, I guess...
  13. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    How can you say that as a non-Christian, let alone an atheistic person? Also, not everything happens because of God. Somethings happen because we have free choice, free will. A case in example- a Christian girl gets drunk, passes out and is raped by some guys at a party. Now, maybe God caused...
  14. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    Ok fair 'nuff, I can't expect you to understand or accept my viewpoint since it has a religious grounding, but I think the article has alot to say against abortion which non-religious people might accept. Yes Asqy, it has solid, scientifically grounded evidence if that's what you are looking...
  15. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    Ok fair 'nuff, I can't expect you to understand or accept my viewpoint since it has a religious grounding, but I think the article has alot to say against abortion which non-religious people might accept. Yes Asqy, it has solid, scientifically grounded evidence if that's what you are looking...
  16. inasero

    People who moved away from home for uni!
  17. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    here is the file
  18. inasero

    The Abortion Debate...

    you mean before. anyhows, i agree with robert that people can make morally wrong and sinful decisions, but the baby is independent and should have a right to life. At the same time we have to juggle this with the expectations with, say, someone who had not been educated in contraception or been...
  19. inasero

    Does God Exist?

    Jesus' blood will atone for my sins and I will be deemed rightrous on Judgement Day. I will go to Heaven. You are right in that there's nothing we can do to earn our salvation.
  20. inasero

    Does God Exist?

    thats the thing, He created the world knowing that man would fall yep, i noticed that statement (2) is one question which dark_angel has failed to address...which is essentially the crux of the argument whether God exists. And yes, you are true that other than the Bible, we don't have much to go...