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  1. T

    International Studies vs. Global

    This would probably be better housed in the Usyd forum rather than the General forum, but to answer your question: Global Studies is run by the Arts Faculty and International Studies is run by the Economics and Business Faculty (although I think IntSt is moving to Arts from next year so we might...
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    No, those powerpoints go up till about Week 5, I think. He's only done the first two. (Unfortunately there aren't any other notes and the powerpoints are incomprehensible without his narration, so they probably won't be much help.)
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    Unit of Study Outline Exchange

    Re: 回复: Unit of Study Outline Exchange I'll upload it, give me a sec. EDIT: Here it is. GOVT1105 Geopolitics 2007
  4. T

    Blackboard Question

    They still haven't taken down last sem's GOVT subjects, at least not the one I did. And I still don't have all my subjects on WebCT. What's so hard about it?
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    No textbook. Just get the reader from Kopystop, $25.
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    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: Best Business Faculty Rankings are pretty useless for comparing individual universities to each other. There are massive methodological difficulties, and the fact that the rankings fluctuate significantly from survey to survey and from year to year indicates that they don't really...
  7. T

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    On the assumptions that (1) the trend continues unabated, (2) the monthly aggregated poll figures are accurate and (3) that the election is held as late as the end of December, perhaps. But who knows.
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    He seems like a reasonably funny guy imo ("My name's Diarmuid Maguire. It's pronounced like it's spelt."), but his soft voice combined with his use of one of the uni's shitty lapel mics that can't pick up sound beyond about 5cm makes him really hard to hear.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Today was pretty cool. Good archaeology lecture (although basic: pretty much just rehashing ARPH1001 for people who didn't do it), reasonably good Aust history lecture and a really interesting ancient lecture. I'm thinking I might enjoy this semester.
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    Should we be proud of our history?

    Agree. I can't stand people who go "We shouldn't be teaching our children about the stolen generation or about how aborigines were killed because WE'RE TEACHING THEM TO HATE THEIR COUNTRY". It's not teaching them to hate their country, it's teaching them that their country's history isn't all...
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd? zomg! The major parties must be quivering in their boots! Green voters are eventually going to have to give their vote to one or the other, since they have to number all candidates for their vote to be formal, so Labor will still pick...
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    Surely out of the ~5000000 people doing this subject there must be a BOSer other than me. Any thoughts on Diarmuid's mumblings? Anyone been as nerdy as me and already read through the articles for the first assignment?
  13. T

    Chances of getting into USYD law?

    It's really nowhere near that hard.
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    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable The main problem with it is the lecture times, which are fairly spread out, but there's nothing I can do about that. (And the Monday can't be changed because there's a very limited number of ARNE1001 tutes available through the week - I think three, one of...
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    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable Never mind, I managed to get it into 2pm through luck. New timetable: Awesome.
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    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable So I've switched from HSTY1034 to HSTY1088 and am so so so close to a perfect timetable (or at least the closest I can get to perfect given the lecture times), but it's putting me in a 4pm ANHS tute which gives me a three-hour break (bad) and results in me...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Sounds kinky.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread ITA. ANHS1005 has 20% tute participation, which is insane. Also, what's with all the lecturers in junior courses going crazy about 2000-word essays this semester? Last semester I only had one essay that long, this semester I have three.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Got an email from my current history lecturer today saying that some WebCT sites may not be up until next week due to a backlog at the eLearning department. Am I missing something? What's so difficult about putting them up once the course coordinators have...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Oh, right, as in the craft of education. I thought it was training you to become an arts and crafts teacher or something.