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    Prince William for Governor-General of Australia?

    So? No one's arguing that the GG legally must be Australian, just that he/she should be an Australian for symbolic reasons.
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    Youth Discimination Survey

    1. Yes. 2. By governments, primarily. Australian citizens under 18 are forbidden from voting, people under ~21 and particularly under 18 are paid lower wages (despite the fact that there would be an outcry if that sort of wage discrimination was carried out against any other group), some...
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    Whats your major?

    Government and International Relations and either History or Ancient History. Trying to put off that decision as long as possible.
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    combined degrees

    Actually, in a lot of combined degree courses you'd finish your first degree by the end of third year and concentrate entirely on the second degree for fourth and fifth year. (e.g. combined Law, Arts/Science.)
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    medicine [mbbs]

    Newcastle offers Med direct from school as well, doesn't it?
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    Can you just do straight law?

    Re: Can you just do vanilla law? I believe ANU has a straight law course, but most unis require you to do either a combined course or grad law (after you've completed a first degree). NRSL = non-recent school leaver
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    HEX and overseas

    I suspect that you'd have to pay it back any time you were working (and hence paying tax) in Australia, regardless of your citizenship status. Which is a shame, because I could've done the same thing with my dual citizenship. Oh well.
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    They're internal assessments set by the school. However, a lot of schools, both Catholic and otherwise, use the Catholic Secondary Schools Association (CSSA) trials, which are the same format as the HSC exam and are done to a fixed timetable across the state.
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    i will most likely fail hsc

    But it scales down quite significantly. That's pretty much the point of the scaling system, to make sure people don't gain an unfair advantage by doing easier subjects.
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    Icarus as in 'flew high but then became overconfident and came crashing down and died'? Isn't that a bit of a ... bad choice of image for a test prep company?
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    Does anyone else agree...

    Section A was normally OK if they didn't go too wacky with the questions. Section B ... ugh. Although I never even really understood the point of the case study and I wasn't taught it properly, so maybe that was just me. Last year's HSC Hist Ext exam was way harder than any of my internals iirc.
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    The Inter-Semester Holiday Thread!

    Oh awesome, I can buy it while I'm still out west. I had the ending of the last one spoiled, so hopefully I can avoid that with this one. (Unfortunately I'll have to contend with that horrid book cover. I may have to remove the dustjacket and then shred and burn it.) Anyone know what movies are...
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    The Inter-Semester Holiday Thread!

    Lectures begin on the 23rd of July.
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    The Inter-Semester Holiday Thread!

    Thank god, holidays. Hopefully I can do some reading without feeling guilty about it. I'm going camping in Middle of Nowhere, NSW for a couple of weeks. Yeah, and that's just as good as your fancy-shmancy 'London' and 'Paris' and 'Tokyo'. I think this semester went pretty well overall, though...
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    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews - UPDATED WITH .PDF on first post GOVT1101 Australian Politics Lecturer: Shelly Savage Ease: 7.5/10. Nothing in the course was particularly brain-bending, and a good knowledge of the textbook and lecture notes was generally sufficient for the exam. I agree with...
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    Official Semester 1 (2007) Exams Thread

    Re: Official Semester 1 Exams Thread I didn't like any of the questions much, actually. Which one did you do?
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    Official Semester 1 (2007) Exams Thread

    Re: Official Semester 1 Exams Thread Oh my god, I feel so relaxed now that everything's done with. GOVT1101 was OK, except that one or two of the short answer questions were so badly written they were pretty much unintelligible. My essay was pretty comprehensive, I think. Hopefully that'll pull...
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    Parents Divorced

    You're thinking of Educational Access Schemes, which cater for people who have suffered 'disadvantage' during their HSC year. I think they let you go up to five UAI points higher, although I'm not sure exactly how they calculate everything. Each university has their own, but a lot of them let...
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    NSW introduces new standards for student teachers

    I wasn't supporting 'brainwashing' there, btw, just pointing out that it's a needlessly emotive term for this discussion. Tolerance and acceptance are values common to all society. Hence, in my opinion, teaching them is parallel to civics education, which teaches the principles of liberal...