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  1. R

    Do I really need to do a physics bridging course for biomed eng?

    They will hire the top graduates. Just make yourself one of those people. Duh.
  2. R

    Share your marks here, peeps

    ~$150 Such a saving for ~experience~
  3. R

    Do I really need to do a physics bridging course for biomed eng?

    you wouldn't ever have to start first year again Maths was common to both Chemistry was too Physics was too ENGG1801 was too And the code for both were the same the stream was very different. And also, for you, the swap would probably be fine too, hopefully, the admin in engineering at USyd is...
  4. R

    Share your marks here, peeps

    ~$250 worth of experience.
  5. R

    Share your marks here, peeps

    Ancient isn't completely fucking terrible though! IMO aim for postgrad at best. You won't get into undergrad med. At least not in the first years of graduating HS.
  6. R

    Do I really need to do a physics bridging course for biomed eng?

    job prospects for both aren't stellar I changed because since I was doing mechanical (BioMed) I needed to do ENGG1802 which is highly physics related and made me want to kill everyone because I hate physics and engineering and CHNG1103 seemed easy (it was) and I was planning on dropping to...
  7. R

    Share your marks here, peeps

    those ranks seem fine except maths and English. And like you do food tech. Jesus. Lol
  8. R

    Share your marks here, peeps

    maybe you should put up your ranks then, hey?
  9. R

    Are classes graded on a curve?

    well, there you go.
  10. R

    Are classes graded on a curve?

    it was like for physics I think (or maths) and it was just a table saying what percentage gets what grade. I don't even remember where it was at all…
  11. R

    Are classes graded on a curve?

    There was some website I found for each physics and maths that said but I don't remember what they are. ^_^
  12. R

    What would you tell your first-year self?

    The same thing I told myself everyday "you should probably study" but then I would ignore it and watch tv/hang out with friends/etc. anyway. Plus, I'm a first year again this year so let's see if I learned anything from last year. ^_^
  13. R

    Is it true that doing arts is useless- even at Usyd?

    afaik you can do a double major in BSc and BA and then do psych honours.
  14. R

    Is it true that doing arts is useless- even at Usyd?

    BPsych is 97-98 cutoff, BSc is like 83.
  15. R


    clashes can occur in pretty much any degree especially broad ones like BSc. My degree had none and it was a double. But in third year and onwards the Chem engg degree has clashes between compulsory classes because LOL and everyone does those classes (Agnes is probably the cause).
  16. R

    O-Week Extreme

    lol... did not read
  17. R

    how to get into dentistry?

    depends where you go. You can do it undergrad at some places.
  18. R

    USYD Roll Call 2013

    you can still get electives in first and second year if you aren't retarded at planning. Dun know wot's wrong with these kids.
  19. R

    Order the following for law: Griffith/UTS/SCU

    I'd say UTS purely because it's in the city, Griffith is the UWS of Queensland and SCU is awful. It's is not as good as USyd or UNSW but it would be at or above MacQ standards. So that's good.