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    Prove this:

    Exterior bisector basically bisects the supplementary angle of the angle in question. So you just extend one of the sides and bisect that angle formed.
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    Band 3 cut off

    @ the original question: There is no way to know for sure, data like that isnt available. Any estimates given will be just that - estimates. Even if it was known, it still wouldnt reflect what happens this year. I think that if you are passing then you will be pretty close to a band 3
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    Binomials- greatest coefficient

    Tr+1 / Tr < 1
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    Simpson's Rule

    You, my friend, learnt the proper way to do it :)
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    Simpson's Rule

    er the above formula only works when there are 3 function values, what if they give you 4 or 5 or 6 or more? (which is highly possible) I dont know what you mean by 2 and 3 unit version, there should only be one version.
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    or more generally, a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an-1 + an + n+1 + ... Since its in geometric progression, an/an-1 = an+1/an Taking log of both sides: ln(an/an-1) = ln(an+1/an) ln(an) - ln(an-1) = ln(an+1) - ln(an) which proves arithmetic progression of the logs of terms in a geometric...
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    Question - Version 2

    The answer was given, what else is there to say?
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    The answer was given. I 'geuss' this threads served its usefullness.
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    woah calm down anguimorph
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    Asymptote Question

    Let's not forget this is the 2 unit forum. Oblique assymptotes arent part of 2 unit.
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    3D trig

    Depends on interpretation. Seeing as how its a 3 unit question, it most likely is a 3D question.
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    Asymptote Question

    In the example y = x + 1/x: For large values of x, y = x is an assymptote. For small values of x, y = 1/x is an assymptote.
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    Bohrs postulates and hydrogen spectrum

    Bohr provided a purely empirical Balmer series formula by the results of his experiments. He derived an expression for the energy of orbits by combining the expression for potential and kinetic energy of the electron-nucleus system.
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    Asymptote Question

    If you do double derivative you dont need the table. They effectively do that same thing.
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    Sum of Coefifcients in Binomial?

    Its really quite simple, and Templar explained it. Just make a and b = 1
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    Semester 2 exam timetable

    We dont have a week break?
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    inverse functions

    Out of interest: You'll find that (ex - e-x)/2 is a function called sinh (pronounced 'shine'). ie sinh x = (ex - e-x)/2 This function, along with its counterpart cosh x = (ex + e-x)/2 have remarkably similar properties to the circular functions ie. sin x and cos x, for example: (cosh x)'...
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    Probability question

    I remember discussing this a while ago. I did it in the prelim but according to everyone else its a HSC topic.
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    web codes HELP!

    I think its just that it doesnt play .asf files on msn space
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    web codes HELP!

    I think its because the url is too large, when i tried to paste it, it wouldnt fit. See if you can upload it somewhere else.