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  1. MiuMiu

    one teenie little question

    Ummm Santa, sorry to burst your bubble but Wollongong isn't in Sydney.... And I wasn't counting UNE because most people don't.
  2. MiuMiu

    Why Do Girls Have To Make The 1st Move?

    I didn't make the first move...and apparently I was oblivious to attempts to make the moves for months!
  3. MiuMiu

    How far would you be willing to travel to see your love?

    I don't think I could do it is my partner lives 30-45 mins away depending on traffic so i have to be in the mood for driving if i wanna see him! But yeah, i need that physical closeness, the hugs and stuff.
  4. MiuMiu

    one teenie little question

    There are no prerequisites for law, although they do recommend advanced english. But certainly not maths of any form. Wollongong currently has the lowest law UAI at 91. Will probably go up to 92.
  5. MiuMiu

    opinion on relationships

    Im 19 and have found the man Im going to marry. I don't think anyone can sit there and tell me that simply because of my age I do not know what I want. Im inclined to tell those people to mind their own business, you don't know me, just because you don't want a lasting relationship right now or...
  6. MiuMiu

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Im just interested in who AJ allegedly thinks he lost it to at 11--certainly not another 11 year old, most 11 year old's hips haven't spread enough to physically have sex.
  7. MiuMiu

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    You're so lame. Get a life.
  8. MiuMiu

    going down there...

    No one ever said that, its the whole region that is sensitive, not just the clit....have u ever recieved?
  9. MiuMiu

    going down there...

    Hahahaha AJ she probably just told you that she had come to stop you from assaulting her breasts....please believe every single girl here when we say that rubbing breasts as hard as you can is not pleasurable, by ANY stretch of the imagination. Head is head ok, get over it. If you expect a...
  10. MiuMiu

    $4.81 an hour for a full time job... DOES THAT SOUND FUCKED UP TO YOU!?

    yeah tell your mum to get stuffed, if she wants money she can get a job
  11. MiuMiu

    my first experience

    I found that girl on top was easiest for my first time cos he was big i was small and I sorta got to control when and how deep etc and just took it slow
  12. MiuMiu

    Dusk - candle store...

    Ive got a management position at one of the new stores at Rhodes, its not going to be a Westfield (no large chain stores either, no kmart, target, myer, david jones or anything like that). Its not going to be a particularly large centre, 3 floors and probably slightly smaller than somewhere like...
  13. MiuMiu

    ever hurt urself whilst having sex???

    I just get sore stomach muscles from holding my legs up
  14. MiuMiu

    how is every1 goin with their exams?

    I found the first contracts question to be killer (well not that bad, but you get the idea) and LLB200 was ok, once I got into it...
  15. MiuMiu

    Legal Studies: Wtf?

    Don't judge potential marks by page number, I wrote bout 7-8 for each extended response last year and got high 90s
  16. MiuMiu

    STI Clinic location

    You could go to a family planning clinic, where they do that sort of thing for free (just search for it in the phonebook, theres quite a few of em) or just go to a GP.
  17. MiuMiu

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    What were you doing playing with the computers in the first place?
  18. MiuMiu

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    Yeah you can tell them that but they're not going to give a shit. Its not like they're ever going to run out of people to employ so they don't really care.
  19. MiuMiu

    Longest Relationships

    First was 18 months and this one is nearly 7 months
  20. MiuMiu


    Are we talking baggage from past relationships, cos man I have stories about that grrr