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  1. T

    the amazing race

    Apparently All-Stars might be going to Antarctica, which'd be pretty cool. TAR10 had a pretty cool leg in Mongolia as well.
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    First-year history

    I've got too much stuff I want to do as it is, so I'm trying to keep every subject fairly small. Good point on doing both in one semester - it'll depend on what I want to do in my other subjects, I suppose.
  3. T

    What are your reasons for going to university?

    Me too. I have a bad habit of wanting to know everything about everything, so I figure that uni'll help me with some of it.
  4. T

    enrollment and everything else...

    A lot of what you want will be on this site and thereabouts. I don't know about most of the Cumberland stuff, but you need to choose units for both semesters. They might've sent you a letter about how to choose - otherwise, check the faculty website and the handbook. (If you don't have the...
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    What degree are you doing? Those of us who got an offer to Arts got another letter yesterday about enrolment and the mentoring program, but I have no idea what the other faculties do.
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    Help needed for units of study

    You do four units per semester. However, as a law student you'll do five in first semester, because you also do the 0-credit point Legal Research. Other than that in first year arts/law you do one law unit and three arts units per semester. Have a look at this thread. And yes, subjects for...
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    First-year history

    I think I'm leaning towards High Middle Ages for Sem 1 and either 1500-1750 or Australian history for Sem 2. I'm getting a clearer idea of what I want to do, so thanks guys! (But keep coming with the pearls of wisdom if you feel you've got it in you.)
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    There's a brochure somewhere about what the HECS contributions are. Try To enrol at Sydney: 1. Accept offer at UAC site 2. At, click 'activate' and follow the directions 3. This should eventually get you to information about when and...
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    First-year history

    High Middle Ages has listed as 'Teacher/Coordinator' one Assoc Prof John Pryor, and Early Modern Europe is Dr Nicholas Eckstein and Dr Andrew Fitzmaurice. From the description, High Middle Ages sounds fairly similar to what you outline for Medieval - church, feudalism, universities, wealth...
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    Power in Society

    Thanks for that. Geopolitics does sound somewhat more interesting than Power in Society, but I try not to trust any course description too much since a bad experience with Commerce in years 9 and 10. That was physically painful.
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    Units of Study

    Take a look in the handbook. Towards the back (page 242 of the Arts handbook) is information about the BA/LLB. In first semester you take Foundations of Law and Legal Research I, in second semester you take Torts. The rest of your course is Arts subjects.
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    Help regarding enrolment and Accepting offers

    I believe you need to enrol next week like all new USYDers. You can then withdraw your enrolment and enrol in another course if you get a late round offer.
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    First-year history

    What sort of things did you study in medieval, scarybunny?
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    I think that's if you're paying your course fees upfront. If you got a CSP offer you're probably deferring with HECS-HELP and will pay it back later through the tax system, so you don't have to pay anything now. I think.
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    Power in Society

    I'm figuring out a first-year set of GOVT subjects and for Sem 2 I'm leaning towards Power in Society, mainly because the alternative is Geopolitics, which I've heard bad things about. Has anyone done this subject? What did you think of it?
  16. T

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    UAC's CSP list has it at 98.45. Which is strange, because I'm pretty sure someone I know got it, and I don't think she got that high. But maybe I got the wrong name in the paper.
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    Offer letter from UAC!

    Down in the mid-mountains, unfortunately, no actual altitude like you'd want from mountains. But excuse my bitterness.
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    Offer letter from UAC!

    There's a very brief enrolment guide that comes with the second letter (from the Arts faculty), but it's nothing that you can't figure out from the Degree Pathways site and the handbook.
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    LAW at ANU or UNSW??

    What do you mean by 'international recognition'?
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    Who can I ask?

    By 'qualifications' what do you mean? Did you get above the UAI cutoff?