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  1. MiuMiu

    SC Past Papers

    yeah see whereas on 01 maths was purely content based (except obviously for non-calculator) and so if you hadn't paid attention you were screwed
  2. MiuMiu

    SC Past Papers

    Tip: If you year 10-ers really wanna know what SC exams are all about, check out the last few years' papers on the BOS site.
  3. MiuMiu

    Subjects for yr 11

    If you like Legal better, cos if you like it, theres more chance you will do well than doing chem if you don't like it as much. Personally, I would choose legal over chem anyday, but thats cos science is certainly not my forte. Don't let statistics discourage you--theres no reason you can't get...
  4. MiuMiu

    SC mark!!

    hmmm lets all multiple choice from my memory (I remember doing the past papers in year 10 and just putting down random letters....I used to finish in like 10 minutes) so practice measuring & calculating and maybe like ecosystem stuff (like living things & such)
  5. MiuMiu

    Subjects for yr 11

    First of all we must know whether you're a scientific/mathematics person or a humanities person....
  6. MiuMiu

    a question... abt english

    Yeesh Im glad maths isn't compulsory, I'd be screwed. But we have computers and stuff that can do our maths for us, its impractical to have machines reading for us too
  7. MiuMiu

    Trial Dates

    My trials are set by the school........ most public school ones are........ and no, we won't be finished the course by the time trials come around
  8. MiuMiu


    Yeah kind of what Tenille said, 'trick' yourself into believing that you love the subject and like studying for it. Also, go and study at a library instead of home, you'll be amazed how mch more work you do!!
  9. MiuMiu

    Help bring GILMORE GIRLS back to Australian TV

    They haven't cancelled it, its coming back later in the year because we are in a non-ratings period at the moment, and thats the show that get em their ratings. Keep your pants on!!
  10. MiuMiu

    SC mark!!

    Its English Literacy not English so it has nothing to do with the content you have learned from 7-10. Simply brush up on your comprehension and language conventions and you'll kill it. The easiest of all the exams.
  11. MiuMiu

    Legal Assessments

    Yeah its bound to be something to do with assessing the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing a certain issue or/ how the law has changed in response to the changing population
  12. MiuMiu

    Family Law: Need your help

    Why did u ask if u knew the answer??
  13. MiuMiu

    URGENT - Effectiveness of Child Support Agency

    Try your text books, or the law socirty website or make some up (last resort)
  14. MiuMiu

    Our own board

    Yeah thats the way Tenille. 50 drunk monkeys (they take it in turns cos they get tired), a dartboard and some randomly scattered numbers.
  15. MiuMiu

    a question... abt english

    Nope, uai's can go right down to like in the 10-15 range I think. If you get 30 or below though, you get an asterisk instead of a number. They call it a mystery UAI, we had a couple get those last year.
  16. MiuMiu

    calling yr 10s

    I don't think its hard, if you are doing alright in science this year you will be able to do it cos you don't need maths for it, but Senior Science is better for more variety. But if bio is your thing then by all means, go for it!!!
  17. MiuMiu

    Option Topics

    We did ours last year, additives and preservatives, quite interesting and very simple to grasp.
  18. MiuMiu

    URGENT - Effectiveness of Child Support Agency

    Nowhere is going to directly say 'this is its effectiveness'. You need to form your own opinion, it doesn't matter what that opinion is as long as you back it up with relevant case studies (make them up if you need to) and discuss the legislation. Describe (and then assess) the processes that...
  19. MiuMiu


    Ombudsmen, Department of Fair Trading, Civil court process
  20. MiuMiu

    Legal Assessments

    The reason you have to do all that morality ethics and effectiveness is cos its the basis of the course cos its not law as such its the effect of the legal system in society. Our assessments consist of oral presentations, exams, research tasks etc. Essays and the like tend to have a 1500-2000...