I don't know anything bout Nagasaki......sorry, but with your logbook, you can basically put whatever you want in it, unlike EE2 the log book is marked, so keep it clear and relevant. You do know the whole thing is marked internally don't you??
The court will consider them but no, they are not legally binding, because division of assets is calculated on basis of future need and issues such as child maintenance
Dun worry Paki, the 02's were really horrible to us 03's late last year, but we are nice to the 04's (cos we are not pathetic :p) and we'll make sure the 04's are nice to the 05's (wow, that sounds sooo weird!!)
Yep probably because your school is taking part in the trial.....most schools will probably do it but its not compulsary yet
and don't worry.........its only VERY simple!!
N awards are a big fat threat till year 11 and still they never really follow through unless they really wana get rid of the kid
the furthest they go in year 10 is a warning!!
Are you seriously in yr 10? If you are...........I think you win the title of our first year 10-er. Anywayz whatever you do DON'T stress about school certificate exams, you get the results back and then you forget about them for the rest of your life!! Save yourself for next year!!
No actually theres no shakespeare in extension. IMO, its easier than advanced (not just saying that, I actually find advanced harder cos theres more subject matter).
As far as being told about scaling the main reason they didn't do it is cos this HSC is still relatively new and there are no...