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  1. superbird

    Australian Idol 2004

    This season has been absolute crap. I lost all hope when Ricki Lee got out. Casey looks like a monster, Courtney is just boring and Anthony is like one of those winners off the tv show popstars, will last 2 weeks and then we'll never hear of him again. Lets hope idol 3 is MUCH better.
  2. superbird

    Australian Idol 2004

    LOL all of them :uhhuh:
  3. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    Arguments by Crazyhomo: i wont bother to explain how stupid this statement is. The pictures show the end result of abortions and are not merely pictures of foetuses. we have yet to see you argue anything valid You obviously live in a fantasy world if you think doctors are perfect and...
  4. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    its the fact how u make it as if abortion is a completely harmless and simple procedure, advocating that its an ok thing to do. im simply making a judgement of u from the way u talk about the whole thing as if its nothing.
  5. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    thats still no reason to call us all fuckwits
  6. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    im sorry but she sounds like a retard to me. its people like her that abuse the system of abortion that cause such debates.
  7. superbird

    MY Thoughts on the US Election

    meh he only has four more years to go then he is gone
  8. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    i reckon u should use a condom and stop sleeping around. talk about common sense!
  9. superbird

    What makes a leader

    im sure you'd make a great leader
  10. superbird

    2008 = Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for President

    btw did everybody know that George W Bush cannot run for re-election in 2008 as its stated in the American Constititution that a president can only serve a max of two four year terms? I only found this out today :S
  11. superbird

    Bands You Recommend To Others

    i recommend bands 5 and 6....... :P
  12. superbird

    A-League launched!

    LOL good point. maybe cos a few people probably dont know where the central coast is :P
  13. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    How? I dont doubt the existence of God.
  14. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    How Christians interpret Genesis: Differing religious beliefs about origins of the species, the Earth, and the rest of the universe have their foundation in different views of the creation stories -- in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Scriptures, and in other passages elsewhere in of Bible...
  15. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    the quote was obviously from an athiest site in which case is bias anyway. Some Christians take the Bible as literal (such as the earth being created in 7 days) whilst others take it as myths with some meaning behind it. The accounts of Jesus' life, death and resurrection however is taken...
  16. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    I still dont think many of you have made the effort to visit the site yet. Anyways here's another extract for ur viewing pleasure :) Witness #2: The Accuracy of the Bible Although the Bible is a textbook on religion, it often touches on other subjects such as history, geography, or...
  17. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    likewise there is so much evidence to proove the integrity of the bible
  18. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    Can you for once try to see it from our point of view instead of being so selfish. I could just as easily say that Darwin's Theory of Evolution is not proof either even though there is scientific data within it. In the Bible, the parables and stories is in a way our "scientific data"...
  19. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    Monkey Butler: clearly the Bible is the sole evidence for all Christians hence why we take it seriously and use it for debates such as this. We believe the Bible is true and believe it has been verified by numerous historians over the time. Its a shame people dont accept the Bible as sufficient...
  20. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    if u arent bothered to listen then dont bother putting forth ur own argument