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  1. superbird


    after the main sequence stage the sun will turn into a red giant. this will signal the start of helium fusion.
  2. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    likewise nobody can disproove the existence of God. We simply dont know...
  3. superbird

    Multiple Choice: Q9

    in world war 1- 75% of methodists were against it, 9 protestant ministers signed a manifesto against the war. in world war 2- was generally supported though there were more pacifists such as the Jehovah's witnesses (but who cares about them neway :P) id say the most correct answer tho is WW2
  4. superbird

    Finding the gradient question

    Was the 2nd last question of the exam... wat did everybody get as the gradient, i got around 3.5... and for k i think i got around 5.6
  5. superbird

    plotting the bloody TRAJECTORY of a satellite...

    same. tho i didnt draw the trajectory all the way to mars cos i wasnt sure. instead i just drew it from the north pole to the left with an arrow pointed towards mars
  6. superbird

    is religion important for your HSC?

    yep...unfortunately. but i think i did well. feeling confident that i got around 40/50 raw but all depends on how they mark my short answers. i do 10 units btw
  7. superbird

    Bush or Kerry

    its weird how america didnt attack saudi arabia tho wen they have been known for harboring terrorists. money pehaps? edit: unless this is untrue. heard this from michael moore's documentary
  8. superbird

    rank difficulty: 01, 02, 03 & 04

    indeed it is. means our marks should be aligned more than previous years...well hopefully
  9. superbird

    Too easy?

    i found that ALOT of the questions i have never seen before or arent even spoken about in the textbook. Astrophysics was the worst for this where my textbook (which is Jacaranda btw) made no mention of red filters at all!
  10. superbird

    social change?

    i know! looked this up in the textbook (Living Religion pg 290) . apparently u could've talked about either of these... - Ministry in rural and outback Australia (if only i knew since i could've wrote heaps about this!) - War and Depression (Conscription debate, The Great Depression). I...
  11. superbird

    Bush or Kerry

    looks like it all depends on Ohio now.
  12. superbird

    Bush or Kerry

    btw if michael moore's stuff were false, couldnt bush sue him for defamation? or is there some kind of law which doesnt allow presidents to do that
  13. superbird

    Bush or Kerry

    i dont think he is necessarily trying to trick people but rather show us a different side of Bush
  14. superbird

    Multiple choice answers

    but the white australia policy existed before 1901 anyway didnt? actually come to think of it i dont think it did :S lol.
  15. superbird

    Multiple choice answers

    every textbook says something different. in excel i interpreted world war 2 to be the one which had most support. i still dont get how some got the answer to q10. i said that buddhist converted to christianity??? even if thats wrong its still somewhat correct in a way. this is a bit like the...
  16. superbird

    80% Raw aligned to 90? or was it too easy exam?

    definatelty not 80s, have u seen previous band cut-offs? i reckon this years exam was much harder than last years. last year a 75 got aligned to 85. therefore for this years exam i reckon a 75 would probably get aligned to 90
  17. superbird

    Can someone please tell me how rank effect ur final marks??

    i heard that ur internal assessment mark is basically used to determine ur rank and nothing more. so if u got 40% in ur overall assessment and that was first and in the external exam u achieve 90%, then ur assessment mark will be boosted to 90
  18. superbird

    UAI Prediction from RAW Marks

    Taking consideration into alignment what UAI can I expect from these approximate raw marks? Advanced English: ~80/105 (76%) Ranked 1st for assessments Mathematics: ~95/120 (79%) Ranked 2nd Mathematics Extension 1: ~45/84 (54%) Ranked 2nd Physics: ~70/100 (70%) Ranked 1st Business...
  19. superbird

    rank difficulty: 01, 02, 03 & 04

    03,01,02,04 with 04 being the hardest for sure
  20. superbird

    Solar Cell Q

    ur teacher is obviously spewing because he didnt teach u that part. teachers fault not boards