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  1. superbird

    The Abortion Debate...

    WTF. Those foetuses WERE aborted!
  2. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    The subject of miracles.... A. Examples of Miracles A miracle, according to the Bible, is not just any unusual event, nor would an event be called a miracle just because God caused it. A miracle is an event that would be impossible by natural law, but is brought to pass by the supernatural...
  3. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    Your only real evidence is some theory Darwin made several years ago and even that we dont know is true. You obviously didn't take the time to look at the site in my thread which is a shame because it answers all your questions. I'm not going to paste the whole site here, rather below is an...
  4. superbird

    The Abortion Debate... Sorry but you must be really fucked in the head to suggest that abortions aren't repulsive
  5. superbird

    Who f*cked up?

    is an estimated mark of around 72/100 a fuck up?
  6. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    I came across an excellent site for the Christian view of this discussion. It ends off on these notes. Can you...? 1. Explain the existence of the universe without God to create it. What reasonable explanation is there? 2. Disprove the accuracy of the Bible. Skeptics have tried this for...
  7. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    LOL didnt realise that typo. but u get the drift ;)
  8. superbird

    Question 3 | 4 | 5

    you did legally blonde!?!?!?! LMAO
  9. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    for the record jesus died and then rose again on the 3rd day. thus he is not dead.
  10. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    u obviously have no idea of the christian religion at all. There is only one God composed of three things, not three people - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christianity did not "introduce" these characters, in fact it has been the very foundation of Christianity since day one. God is not...
  11. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    errr no. people did not make out that a shadow was an ark. what documentary did u watch? the one i saw was on the history channel. remnants of the ark were found by numerous trekkers on mr arafat. obviously its probably still inefficient proof of the ark but it can still be argued as evidence
  12. superbird

    Who else is sick?

    The HSC is over for me but now ive got the most annoying cold and feel like shit :( Least I should be glad that I didn't get it during the HSC
  13. superbird

    just wondering, what's your uai goal range & course preference?

    seems like everybody doing the hsc this year is expecting to get a 95+ UAI
  14. superbird

    Why is UAi getting lower each year?

    isnt the uai for courses going to be higher this year due to the reduction of HECS courses
  15. superbird

    2008 = Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for President

    i reckon a black president would be awesome
  16. superbird

    the powerline question

    unfortunately i believe that's incorrect
  17. superbird

    plotting the bloody TRAJECTORY of a satellite...

    i reckon the board would accept a wide range of answers. so long as earth is opposite its original position and mars is behind it in terms of orbit. as for marking the trajectory i think they were just looking for it being marked from the eastly direction of earth. i dont think u will lose...
  18. superbird

    projectile question

    i think i got 5.99 x 10^-1 :/
  19. superbird

    Biggest Distraction During The Examz!!

    LOLLIES!!!?!?! pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
  20. superbird

    projectile question

    for the velocity of orbit i got a different answer. i used square root GM/r tho....