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  1. flamearrows

    Commonwealth Equity Scholarship and Start Up, do I get both?

    Yeah, I think this is what has happened, judging by my bank balance.
  2. flamearrows

    How to prepare for the clerkship season

    By dry cleaning, I meant all laundromat expenses. I don't have a washing machine or a dryer so...
  3. flamearrows

    Is anyone planning on working overseas?

    Oh, I start in Australia. But give it a few years. They've got offices all over the place. I'll dig myself out of Australia somehow.
  4. flamearrows

    Is anyone planning on working overseas?

    Got a gig with a consulting firm, so I'll be outta here soon enough.
  5. flamearrows

    Student number

    Actually, you can have both at the same time. I teach & I'm a student so I have both.
  6. flamearrows

    First year at uni and hate it!

    Working for a living is gonna be a real struggle then, son.
  7. flamearrows

    Hmm, ever thought you've chosen the wrong course?

    UNSW does medicine and has the occasional 8am start.
  8. flamearrows

    How to prepare for the clerkship season

    Not for long...
  9. flamearrows

    The Ship has sailed, my friends!

    Re: I really am angry, to those who bully others and only think about themselves..... He or she is still in high school.
  10. flamearrows

    The Ship has sailed, my friends!

    Re: I really am angry, to those who bully others and only think about themselves..... You just said you don't have any friends. I cannot imagine why.
  11. flamearrows

    The Ship has sailed, my friends!

    I'm in fifth year and am rather light on friends. But that's just because I'm not a very nice person.
  12. flamearrows

    How to prepare for the clerkship season

    Just participating in a moot in not really worth mentioning, I wouldn't think.
  13. flamearrows

    Voluntary/work experience (law).

    Ask around. Chances are, someone you know will be a barrister's assistant or a paralegal. They'll know when the firms or individuals they work for need more people. Positions tend not to be widely advertised, or advertised at all in some cases.
  14. flamearrows

    any advice for a diploma in law student?

    I don't think it adds a great deal, and it is expensive. A better bet would be any sort of legal experience in that time.
  15. flamearrows

    Needs advice on doing well in contract law

    Let's not turn this into a marks pissing competition ;)
  16. flamearrows

    Needs advice on doing well in contract law

    I don't agree with the "make a checklist" philosophy. I don't find that this will get you high marks, as it makes each issue quite shallow. Instead, I find that the only way to properly learn a course is to make careful and detailed notes on each case, including the factual situation, legal...
  17. flamearrows

    How much do tutors and lab demonstrators get paid?

    Earning Code 153 / 154 / 160 $113.88 for the first tutorial, $75.92 for every tutorial thereafter, $37.96 per hour for marking. $37.96 per hour is also paid for meetings. So, the average honours student taking four tutorials makes around ~$350 per week of academic session, plus any meetings...
  18. flamearrows

    Graduate salaries 2011

    Frigid - my point was more that the same atmosphere of transparency doesn't apply to the other types of firms. I, for one, am certainly not going into graduate law.
  19. flamearrows

    Butterworths v mann australian law dict. ????

  20. flamearrows

    How much do tutors and lab demonstrators get paid?

    Yeah, there's a separate one for tutors with doctoral qualifications. Marking exams is pretty rubbish - think 10 - 12 hour days, over the weekend, in order to get through the papers in time for the deadline. It's not very fun.