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  1. ay_caramba

    Using abbreviations in an extended response (or short answer)

    nah man, definitely dont use abbreviations in ur essays, my teacher strictly warned us against using those.. especially ^ for increase lol :) ..theyre only good to use when making notes in class however i think its fine to do abbreviations for organisations and certain things.. eg: in an essay...
  2. ay_caramba


    wooah.. am i gonna meet bob carrr?! dude.. :) ahahaha.. thats a nice surprise.
  3. ay_caramba

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    lol i figured my earlier reply wasn't really helpful, so i came up with a few tips for getting 90+ in all subjects (although im a bit of a dodgy source and a slacker, but hey): * do subjects u enjoy or are interested in!!! this is very, very important, because it honestly helps u to pay...
  4. ay_caramba

    Congratulations Class of 2004!

    lol nah, not sure what u mean by placing??
  5. ay_caramba

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    lol aww thanx mate :) it honestly was a heart attack moment for me, its just that i never really worked *that* hard this year, always been a bit of a slacker (never been to tuition in my life, never made study notes due to laziness.. hell, i even went to a wedding the weekend before the hsc)...
  6. ay_caramba

    who has received the formal report?

    yep i got my uai and results thingies.. and the breakfast invite to usyd
  7. ay_caramba

    Your Parents. What do they think?

    i got a UAI of 99.1, which far exceeded my expectations.. my parents were (and are) still crazy with pride!! :D i guess theyve always been really supportive
  8. ay_caramba

    Post Your Uai

    99.1 :D yay..
  9. ay_caramba

    Congratulations Class of 2004!

    i got 98 %... very very happy
  10. ay_caramba

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    i got 99.1 ..i had a heart attack. i studied by just reading!! no note taking out of sheer laziness i did not stress at all during my hsc, i was insanely calm. overall.. i think i got the wrong uai.. :O
  11. ay_caramba

    Your goal vs Actual UAI

    i did a LOT better than i expected, i wanted a uai over 90!! economics- 94 ancient history- 98 english adv- 94 chemistry- 91 maths adv- 91 UAI- 99.1 im still shocked!!!! :O
  12. ay_caramba

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    i did a LOT better than i expected, i was ready to settle for an *anything over 90* uai.. economics- 94 ancient history- 98 english adv- 94 chemistry- 91 maths adv- 91 UAI- 99.1 im still shocked!!!! :O
  13. ay_caramba

    Official UAI Thread: Post your UAI's here

    99.1 ... REAALLLY happy... i had a damn heart attack.. yup. :D
  14. ay_caramba

    HSC 2004: which school will top?

    i'll stick to my prediction of first :D hey, anythings possible! (well not really..)
  15. ay_caramba

    Purpose of Pelop. League

    hmm ok in terms of sparta: * the most obvious role is that PL provided defense, military and naval support to Sparta in times of war...also provided finances in times of war ie: tribute and contributions were levied on members in times of war * different allies contributed diff resources to...
  16. ay_caramba

    Purpose of Pelop. League

    arrgh ancient (lol my brain is rusty since having finished the hsc) anyways i'll tell u what i have in my book and hope its helpful. (altho its probably not) :D in terms of its role: * its role and purpose was restricted to questions of war- ie: Council of Allies met when questions of war...
  17. ay_caramba

    Final rankings

    this is what mine look like: Course Name Units Rank Order Outside School 15020 Ancient History 1 / 31 15050 Chemistry 10 / 38 15110 Economics 3 / 27 15140 English (Advanced) 15 / 118 15240 Mathematics 20 / 63 my school is ranked 6th in the state so i guess...
  18. ay_caramba

    Registering for SMS results thingy

    lol sent it again and.. SUCCESS :D yep mine must be a shitty phone..or else BOS is retarded. ;)
  19. ay_caramba

    Registering for SMS results thingy

    lol.. guys!! someone's got my student no and pin..not funny :D haha..BOS is retarded.
  20. ay_caramba

    Registering for SMS results thingy

    Ok this is weird, I did what that formal letter from BOS said to do.. i sms'ed by student no and pin to 19772346 to register for SMS results service... a few minutes later, i receive an sms saying "who r u, u just sms'd me a number" ummm.. what the? lol and i double-checked the phone...