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  1. ay_caramba

    Rome 78-28

    ahahaha.."stuck it up Sulla" :D yup there u go... Pompey was so so much better than Caesar...and actually Pompey won at Pharsalus.. yup, its a scandal in ancient history, and Caesar tried to cover it up! (propaganda and what not)..u better believe there's my source analysis of the day...
  2. ay_caramba

    Rome 78-28

    hahaha :D thats my quote too!! "he was not one to wade through slaughter to a throne"- Robinson "he wanted to be the one the Senate and people turned to in a military or administrative crisis"- Seager dude, i could go on and on!! Yep Pompey kicked ass!! ;) ur the first person whose...
  3. ay_caramba

    Die HSC

    hahaha.. wise words.
  4. ay_caramba

    Exam/Study Rituals?

    mmm coffee and chocolate... yep perfect *exam food* meets my nutritional recommendations ;)
  5. ay_caramba

    Rome 78-28

    omg i luv pompey!! go pompey.. ask a question on pompey hsc ancient history examiner ppl.. plzzz :uhhuh: i have all these quotes on him and stuffs abt him and i hate the 2nd triumvirate stuff, oct, antony etc..first half of the period with caesar and pompey is much more interesting!
  6. ay_caramba

    Rome 78-28

    they asked 2nd Tri last year and in 2001.. i think there's gonna be a q on the 1st Tri (which they asked in 2002).. meh...who knows..
  7. ay_caramba

    Exam/Study Rituals?

    yes me too!!! :D any form of caffeine, diet coke, coffee, chocolate... my body starts twitching when i dont get my caffeine intake..not a good state to be in for an exam! god bless..caffeine.
  8. ay_caramba

    just wondering, what's your uai goal range & course preference?

    my first preference is international communications at mac uni... i need abt 94-95 to get in, 2nd is international business which i need above 90 to get into.. i would be really happy with anything over 90 really..
  9. ay_caramba

    SMH: HSC board praised for ease of maths paper

    they're talking abt the standard paper rite... they better be :S advanced paper was kinda hard..for me :(
  10. ay_caramba


    yeah im too lazy to memorize.. too much mental stress. i'm all for knowing a faint timeline and making stuff sound good.. and making up modern historians...hehe it works for me. :D
  11. ay_caramba

    Estimate your raw mark.

    all rite lil buddy, calm down.. i just thought it seemed that way by ur attitude.. and yes, i think u shud wait until marks are released before stating anything.. i have a feeling i might get anywhere from 0-100, so yes, u may well beat me. but i really dont care in the end. the point is.. um...
  12. ay_caramba

    Private/Social costs of logging rainforests

    o cmon :p but more expensive resources do become a cost incurred by the producer and consumer, and are represented by the price mechanism and.. o i give up omg i shud just get over the eco exam .. hehe :)
  13. ay_caramba

    Estimate your raw mark.

    lol.. i dunno, he just seems kinda up himself, he assumes he knows everything abt eco (which he doesnt), and is always trying to correct ppl while the rest of us are just comparing what we wrote in diff sections.. it's like he should be marking the hsc, not doing it... ;) ok my rant is over
  14. ay_caramba

    Estimate your raw mark.

    no offense man.. i dunno why but i find u just *slightly* annoying.. i cant quite put my finger on why.. hrmm
  15. ay_caramba

    Private/Social costs of logging rainforests

    o no.. i put the private and social costs associated with in not during logging but after logging... i dunno if that makes sense private costs: that costs of timber would rise for both consumers and producers as timber resources become scarce social costs: losses to the tourism...
  16. ay_caramba

    Are U Stressed For Sc?

    dont worry so much... just study a bit, some study is better than no study (thats my motto during the hsc too hehe).. most of u will find the SC much much easier than u expected i miss the SC, i worked hard and got pretty good marks, (inc. a 99 for history which was slightly strange) and im...
  17. ay_caramba

    Economics Exam

    but wasnt inflation falling and unempt rising?? i worked out the infn rate for each year, and im pretty sure it fell.. or the other case may be that i just stuffed it up..
  18. ay_caramba

    Short Answer Discussion Thread

    o man, i had a mental block during this question... i wrote: * an economic recession- which would increase discouraged jobseekers coz employment prospects are much less favourable * a lack of labour mkt training programs to place structurally unemployed into jobs- which may cause them to...
  19. ay_caramba

    Economics Exam

    yep, thats what i wrote abt too.. the stats for that eco show how inf and unempt share an inverse rel'ship
  20. ay_caramba


    shut up... we'll see what happens when the results r out...ppl like u r so freaking annoying, lording it over others and assuming that u aced the paper plz shut up. the end.