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  1. G

    2003 HSC Marks

    Economics 2 93/100 90/100 92 6 English (Advanced) 2 85/100 83/100 84 5 Information Processes and Technology 2 90/100 87/100 89 5 Mathematics Extension 1 2 93/100 95/100 94 E4 Mathematics Extension 2 2 85/100 93/100 89 3 E3 Physics 2 92/100 89/100 91 6
  2. G

    Undergrad Medicine Categories (& Purple Monkey Dishwashers)

    your gramps house is povs bra haha j/k. its mad lol mad thrifty
  3. G

    Co-op interviews!

    how many are short listed?
  4. G

    Co-op interviews!

    anyone get one for BIT
  5. G

    Co-op interviews!

    i said it again.
  6. G


    go for both, and hope you make one.
  7. G

    Co-op interviews!

    you just want a scholarship so your mom can brag about ya. id be surprised if you get a conditional offer and like ism
  8. G

    Any updates on BIT interview?

    this is bull shit i got rejected, fuck them
  9. G

    more raw and scaling

    AK Guimbi, you mean scaled to 87% exam mark, not including the internal mark right
  10. G

    Teachers knowing about the sample answers and taking marks off???

    called survival of the fittest brainy
  11. G


    97 shut the fuck up
  12. G

    My friends UAI estimate please

    tell your friend shes dumb and has no hope
  13. G

    Trial Results

    good on ya mulan, you are lazy. have a merit ya stooge
  14. G

    Im Dead, Anyone Else?

    ND i bet your at the bottom of the social heirachy
  15. G

    Difficulty of HSC

  16. G

    Good Maths Website

    loser fuycj you
  17. G

    UNSW co-ops

    ya pussy mclake
  18. G

    this concerns EVERYONE........................

    newbie , you and your random comments. i bet girls hate u, vice versa if your a guy.