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  1. G

    r ppl just making their ranks up?

    why bother to post when nobody cares about you
  2. G

    99.99 Uai!!!

    fuck u all
  3. G

    99.99 Uai!!!

    shut the fuck up lobster u fucking fag, ill fucking crack u if i saw u on the street, you fucking piss me off,
  4. G

    Study Hours

    ryan your a loser, boring cunt you piss me off so much
  5. G

    Longest Assignment Ever!!

    this threads fully gay like all of yall
  6. G

    who's better at 4unit maths?-boys or girls

    males are better at everything males rule the earth, you aint see no women ruling the earth, always beggin men for a fair go, how can we give you a fair go when your shitter than us. so girls, the truth hurts
  7. G

    can i get 98?

    sorry man, your gonna get like 91 max, expeciallly at tech, your screwwed bro. only like 5 people at tech get band 5 for english, so your pretty much screwed sorry d00d
  8. G

    conics : mx + c, for touching

    use the parametric way
  9. G

    Uts It

    you want us to be jealous coz you got info or something why come in this thread to tell us you got info that your not gonna give, fucking cockclasher
  10. G

    Here's a thought?

    it was just about biggie but ill kill all of yall
  11. G

    OMG probably failed

    you only have yourself to blame
  12. G

    planck & einstein

    well Planck was a german, and einstein was a jew. but they were like best friends, but da jew had to goto amercia coz of hittler, and planck was trying to save jews in germany and teaching them and shit through world war might have something to do with that shit yer know?
  13. G

    UAI prediction

    well the truth hurts my friend 80 max, no bull
  14. G

    "Sorry, if you don't do at least adv.eng, you are bround to get a lower mark"

    even if you cant standard, you got more chance in advanced haha
  15. G

    "Sorry, if you don't do at least adv.eng, you are bround to get a lower mark"

    whats dones, done, get your head out of your standard english ass and go study and i assure youll get a better mark
  16. G

    Uts It

    can anyone tell me what kind of questions they ask in the UTS IT interview?
  17. G

    Ambitious 99+ UAI's

    would you like a trophy for your prediction