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  1. G

    I'm so damn confused....

    dont do em, they dont add up
  2. G

    4u hsc scaling question

    thats hassles you dickhead you go transfer dork
  3. G

    Need a Tutor?

    17 bux an hour is povo prior gets like 1 million bux per lesson
  4. G

    dot point ~~

    cud ne 1 pls help me with this dot point??? describe the significance of einstein's assumption of the constancy of the speed of light. The significance is IF speed of light is constant THEN space and time become relative quantities. which leads to all the consequences and implications...
  5. G


    P(a cos@, bsin @) lies on the ellipse x^2/b^2 +y^2/b^2 = 1. The normal at P cuts the x-axis at X and the y-axis at Y. Show that PX/PY = b^2/a^2. help if you can thanx
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  7. G


    P(a cos @ , bsin @) and Q[acos (-@), b sin (-@)] are extremities of the latus rectum x = a/e of the ellipse x^2/b^2 +y^2/b^2 = 1 1) show that PQ has length 2(b^2/a) help
  8. G

    4U for 2003

    my school
  9. G


    ahh i see thanx but i thought the sqrt of x^2 was absolute x?
  10. G


    sketch the graph y^2 = x^2(1-x) and find the area of the loop i keep getting 4/15 but the answer is 8/15 but i also sqrted both sides and worked with y = x sqrt(1-x) which i dont know if im allowed
  11. G

    Should i get a tutor?

    some tutoring have thier own notes which is helpful, while others justuse the text book, which is bullshit because your teacher does that shit anyway but i goto tutoring coz im shit doesnt really help, but i wouldnt know, because i didnt not go tutoring haha
  12. G

    Sketching trig functions

    its just a template so you can trace circles, curves and stuff you can get flexi curves too which are pretty neat my teacher hates free hand stuff, he said its not accurate
  13. G

    Sketching trig functions

    i have a mathomat (those mats with shapes and stuff) and on it there are sine and cos graphs, but the pi are like 1 cm and 2 cm apart. my teacher said it should around 3 cm apart which i know is true is it still okay to use these curves using normal 1cm grids or do i have to change the...
  14. G


    werd thanx
  15. G


    is it possible to find k if e^(kx)=0 thanx