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  1. B

    Is there any way of getting RAW marks for assessments?

    Most units get scaled dont they ? So raw marks dont really matter.... You'll just have to wait like the rest of us..;)
  2. B

    Word limit 1500 words.

    It should say in your unit guide if there is a penalty. But usually it is 10% either side of the word limit that is the most/least you can do.
  3. B

    What do u hate about MAQ

    Cant say Ive ever had a lecturer who makes people move to fit someone in!! Have to agree with people sleeping in the library being really annoying.. Go home get some proper rest cant really sleep well on a desk The library is too small to be a motel! maybe they should get in those nap pods!
  4. B


    This is my pretend psych friends do it & I went along to the first lecture and then one of them went to my lecture..haha how sad!!
  5. B

    how do people study at uni...?

    Im in 3rd year and every unit for the last 2 years has had readings ,listed for every week .Otherwise there aren't any. There is usually a list in the unit guide. Tutorials usually require some reading or homework as well.. What units are you doing?
  6. B

    Which lectures are compulsory to attend in my first semester units?

    I found the lectures quite dry & boring too..I also have zero maths ability. I went to the The numeracy centre revision sessions, run by Caroline. She really has a great way of explaining things that makes it interesting that even I could follow. Without her I dont think I would have passed.
  7. B

    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    I reread some of the policy documents & they state: "This policy will be fully implemented by 1 January 2010 when all units will be expected to conform to the policy." So maybe this year not all units are doing it .. Phil137 is following the new policy. I suppose Ill have to ask my other...
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    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    what does Imo mean?
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    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    Old system from policy document: Marks awarded to students reflect their achievements relative to the achievement of other students in the group. Final examination marks are based on a predetermined proportion of students in each mark range. There is a limit on the number of students who can...
  10. B

    Phil137 Critical Thinking Psychology Module

    I decided to do the psych tutorial.. The new train line means I can get to after school care on time (hopefully)
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    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    You would think they would tell everyone, but they haven't. One of my unit convenors told me. The university policies are here. Policy Central - Macquarie University I did attach in my first post a document about how it would be implemented, which I found the easiest to really understand...
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    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    Woohoo! From this year the assessments are standards based rather than graded on a curve. "Most importantly, the new policy specifies that there is NO REQUIREMENT for a normal distribution of grades and it is the quality of the individual student’s performance compared with the established...
  13. B

    Which lectures are compulsory to attend in my first semester units?

    Procrastination ..thats a great topic!! One of my biggest problems!!
  14. B

    Which lectures are compulsory to attend in my first semester units?

    I did stat170 -whole year..I also went to the numeracy centre lunchtime session with Caroline (excellent for anyone not quite getting it..she puts a different spin on things that really helps) PSY104- I ilectured a lot of it & only got a pass Marketing I did at tafe not sure what uni level is...
  15. B

    UHHHHHH can't find this room on the map?

    I failed the spatial skills test ::))
  16. B

    UHHHHHH can't find this room on the map?

    I think I went there for psy222 revision ..I got lost and started walking the wrong way past the golf course.. btw I have no sense of direction..
  17. B

    Why are there so many ugly building around Macq?

    We also have those square apples that look like girly bits!!
  18. B

    Why are there so many ugly building around Macq?

    the massive hole out the front ...;)) Seriously some days I feel like I go to uni in a disney movie. Pretty green rolling hills,those beautiful trees over the walkway,bunnies & ducks there is never any rubbish around I dont really notice the ugly buildings its just part of the atmosphere. No...
  19. B

    UHHHHHH can't find this room on the map? Have a look at this map there is a W19 up the top middle of the map. Near an arrow that says sports field I think that is what you are looking for. I really wanted to do that unit but couldn't really fit it in.. sounds interesting!!
  20. B

    PSY104 and STAT170?! help please!!

    ah crap, sorry my bad. I did it as a full year so I didn't really have a choice. Stat170 as a coreq of psy104 means I am wrong & you have to do stat170 & psy104 first semester. Maybe talk to a real life academic advisor sorry to be the opposite of helpful