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    Timetables 2009

    tried firefox & internet explorer..estudent is still too busy!! very annoying
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    B Psycology Science / B Science (Conservation and Biodiversity)/ B Chropractic Scien

    Also in terms of which psych degree is best. Sydney is probably the most prestigious but that doesnt mean the best I suppose Mq has first year statistics as a year long subject so it is a bit easier to handle if youre not a maths person. I dont know if other unis do that. cant think of anything...
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    B Psycology Science / B Science (Conservation and Biodiversity)/ B Chropractic Scien

    Q: What do I need to study to register as a psychologist? A: In order to register as a psychologist you will need to complete four years of APAC-accredited undergraduate study, followed by either an APAC-accredited postgraduate* program, or two years of supervised practice as a psychologist that...
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    All your questions about CHIROPRACTIC answered

    was that 5000k per week ? Could you please explain what the overheads are for a business like that?
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    Another student has been told that direct entry refers to not having to complete the qualifying program. I am not the only one in my course that thought point 1 was for mac S&H students and point 2 for all other students. .. Its all clear now
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    Not loving Phil137

    I am doing phil137 this semester and I am thinking about dropping it. I dont really need to do it (I have enough credit otherwise ) but thought it would help my studies. I need a minimum gpa of 2.5 and after 1st year have 2.4 How hard/easy is it to get a credit plus? Does anyone that liked...
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    Need advice from anyone that understands the uni process better than me. The bachelor speech & hearing on the mac websites states direct entry to masters speech pathology and credit minimum for entry from other degrees. Through WordOfMouth we have since found out that it is actually credit...
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    Average time for a completion in a TAFE Diploma

    Not sure if you are still interested but I completed a Diploma Business Marketing plus Cert 4 public relations plus Cert 4 Business Development all in the one year. At Meadowbank tafe. Units in marketing were the same as pr & Bd we had the option of doing I think 6 extra days and an extra arvo...
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    Critical Thinking phil137 & or ling253

    Excellent thank you for your help. I decided to do both subjects.
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    Critical Thinking phil137 & or ling253

    Has anyone done either of these subjects. As a mature ager going into 2nd year and I didnt feel confident about essays and critical thinking. Did these subjects help anyone as students?
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    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree I have to say I took the tafe route and received credit at Macquarie university for general credit. So in my degree which is completely unrelated I do not need to do electives.
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    Anyone from TAFE accounting or Finance and Banking Diploma tranfer to MQ

    Last year I did a Diploma Bus.Marketing with Dist average and got into B.Speech & Hearing Sc.completely unrelated. I also get alot of general credit do I only have to do my core subjects which is a bonus. It depends on how many non year 12 spots the uni has. the uai means nothing. I was also...
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    Unfair or just part of uni life?

    Im not sure if this is worth making a big deal about or not but for psy105 slides were shown with instructions for our first full report including study information. Some tut classes were told not to write anything down repeatedly because it would be on webct.This was Just prior to the midsem...
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    Macq U Speech to Syd Speech Pathology

    I am currently first year Speech & Hearing Science at Mac Uni and was wondering if anyone has managed to transfer to Sydney Uni Speech Pathology?? Is it possible to get enough credit to start 2nd year ?? I rang Sydney and they couldnt give an answer until after they give you a spot.
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    B Speech Pathology or B Health Sciences?

    Im not sure you are right.If you do B.Speech Pathology at Sydney (4years) you are qualified as a speech pathologist. You can also do B Speech & Hearing Science at Macq or Syd then do Masters and be speech pathologist (I am first yr at MqUni Speech & Hearing ).If you did B Health Science you...
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    Tafe or repeat year 12?! HELP ON INTERNATIONAL STUDIES!

    I would say def go to TAFE if you work hard and dont mess around it is not that hard to get distinction av. I did a dip in Bus Marketing totally unrelated to my degree. At Maq U I received tonnes of credit so I dont have to do any electives.If my diploma was related to my degree then I could of...