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  1. ssssonicyouth

    TOP 5's

    man!?! golden brown - the stranglers is like THE all time drug song edit:!!!!!!!
  2. ssssonicyouth

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    mmm if i got me one of those i could look almost as good as john stamos
  3. ssssonicyouth

    Hitch - Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy

    lmao what the fuck are you raving about?! mr adams would spit on you if was still alive... sifnt lack of towel -_-
  4. ssssonicyouth

    Is Poetry so bad?

    a guy in my year did poetry... the only poem he'd written before that came back with the comment "that was a brave choice of form. I would advise you against writing any poetry in the future. Ever." (we all thought it was hilarious.. except him :)) he got 42 or something, leading me to think...
  5. ssssonicyouth

    David Jones

    mmm go into the store and ask anyone who works there were admin or human resources is have ur cv... :) edit: i'm pretty sure they have an office in every store... they do in bondi junction
  6. ssssonicyouth

    Reminisce about the 90's here

    i'm too sexy by right said fred!!
  7. ssssonicyouth

    TOP 5's

    yes, yes you could but make it interesting :)
  8. ssssonicyouth

    TOP 5's

    songs for perverts: 1. add it up- violent femmes 'why can't i get just one FUCK!?' 2.negative creep- nirvana the chorus is 'daddy's little girl aint a girl no more'... and it rocks.. 3. holiday- the pixies this isn't about multiplayer sex; the last line of the chorus is 'here i am...
  9. ssssonicyouth

    TOP 5's

    choose any topic and make your top 5 list feel free to abuse others for their appalling lack of taste :) and feel free to abuse me for stealing this from high fidelity
  10. ssssonicyouth

    What Are You Reading?

    you must have a much better attention span than me :( *remembers 'reading' aristotle for ancient class
  11. ssssonicyouth

    thom yorke or jeff backley

    yeah everclear's two-part album transcended the $3 'unsold music' bin in which it lived :rolleyes:
  12. ssssonicyouth


    continuing with pavement... in brother of a sister of a thought malkmus rhymes corpus christi with you're so misty and there's also.. "a redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash And this emery board is giving me a rash"
  13. ssssonicyouth

    What Are You Reading?

    wow that's some heavy ass reading.... what do you read for fun?
  14. ssssonicyouth

    Anthems for 2004 HSC and Uni students

    OOHHH OH OH 'i'm an adult now' by the pursuit of happiness Well, I don't hate my parents I don't get drunk just to spite them I've got my own reasons to drink now Think I'll call my dad up and invite him I can sleep in till noon anytime I want Though there's not many days that I do...
  15. ssssonicyouth

    how did evry1 go in ancient?

    depends on who this is.. ?? pm me edit: milton? hah now u have no anonymity either :)
  16. ssssonicyouth

    how did evry1 go in ancient?

    i got 96, harimau and leon585 got 97...
  17. ssssonicyouth

    Sparta..can sum1 plz help me on this essay question??

    just go through the various types of 'elite' classes in the military like the paidonomos etc but especially that specially chosen group of 300 knights... there's something in plutarch and xenophon about how those knights had to be on their best behaviour at all times. If they weren't...
  18. ssssonicyouth

    Anthems for 2004 HSC and Uni students

    woah i would have shot myself 'lately' by british sea power really fits in with end of hsc 'have i been standing here for so long?' although apparently it's full of references to russian and czech literature that i don't understand :(
  19. ssssonicyouth

    21 grams

    i saw that last night and i was really tired, which is the worst possible time to go watch a pretentious slow burn film... i thought that it was all a bit irritating like the whole movie is about how sordid life is and then at the end it cuts to this awkward voiceover that rambles on about...
  20. ssssonicyouth

    Favourite EPs?

    are you gregor? :D