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  1. I

    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    Hhaha oh shit man, i feel like a total fool now. So sorry *cringe*. Excuse my inability to properly decipher the tone of certain posts.. haha but you can see where i was coming from right? Sheesh. Again, sorry. Now where is that blushing smiley when i need it?
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    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    ...Thankyou for such a helpful post. That is quite an unjust assumption. Who are you to say I won't have all those things when I so desire them? Sometimes advice is better than an attack, I posted here as i wanted fresh perspective on the situation, everyone so far has given useful advice...
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    Folk Festivals

    bit harsh, i might say pot smoking good for nothing greeny bludgers.. but you know. They're still shit loads of fun when one has nothing else to do.
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    How old do you think you'll be...

    Oh it's never going to stop!! If anything the obsessing is gonig to get worse, much worse! Instead of "Oh damn, my hair i SHIT today, i can;t go out, i needa freaking haircut!" It'll be "I can't face the world, I have un -ironable wrinkles, oh oh ew i can go through a whole loafof bread with...
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    Summer Dresses

    Preggers Dresses!!! I Had an idiot moment and bought one, seriously I look pregnant in it, and I'm only very skinny! i saw a really nice plain blue dress in newtown, um the shop was called "Monkey Business" or "Monkey Wrench" .. it was definately monkey something. It was quite big, but really...
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    Summer Dresses

    Yeah I had that problem, but I got over it. Basically everything someone wears is just a variation on what someone else is wearing. Plus I like the fact they look flattering on almost anyone. And it's like I put on a dress and it's all WOO PRETTY TIME!! And they swish, and they're cool...
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    Summer Dresses

    Just a thread to declare my love to stunning summer dresses!
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    Folk Festivals

    So, who frequents them?
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    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    Hmm no they're not supercilios, it's worse than that!! They are crazy do gooders who want to change the world (for the better). Ahem, i quote "Rack off, I'm not going to spend that much ($90 estimate) on a concert (tool) when I don't even like them that much. I'd rather donate the money to...
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    who takes supplements?

    Zinc. The pharmacist recommended it, i can't remember what for. Now i'm pretty sure I mildy overdosing on it as i started off on the zinc correct (you know the strong one, for the first tiem you take it?) and it tasted AWSOME.. and then i didn't want to goonto the lower level one as it doesn;t...
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    So accidental decapitations are all the rage!,21985,21064432-663,00.html (sorry, not the most credible source, but I'm in a rush) ... can someone care to explain how the hell a rope (synthetic or otherwise) can cut through muscle, skin, tendon, bone, sinew, veins etc etc etc ACCIDENTALY. I mean...
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    An idea to end the water problem

    yeah i don't toally disagree, i would never elect in a gov't that was going to ration water.. but $$$$$$$$$$ ??? (slightly unrelated) Ok, my brain refuses to co-operate, does anyone recall some country that has a 6L/day limit? And a ration card? And those who can't afford the card have to go...
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    An idea to end the water problem

    Actually people can live without water for a fair few days if they're still eating fruits etc.. it's not advisable but it's possible. Anyway that's not the point, each household would get a reasonable ammount of water, but if they choose to wash the dirt off the side of their house with a high...
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    An idea to end the water problem

    Dramatically enfoced water RESTRICTIONS. My idea simply goes as follows: Each household is assigned a certain ammount of water that they are allowed to use (water is given equally and according to needs, priviledge can not buy benefits/exemptions). Once you exceed your limit water is CUT OFF...
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    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    What the fuck? So we've been at uni for a year and all of a sudden these holidays i've just realised how different we are. I didn't really realise until my self and 2 others went to a talk a talk at the AIIA (Brendan Nelson guest speaker) and afterwards i realised how well informed they both...
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    Help with the pill

    oh wtf? This thread makes me think i've been taking the pill incorectly since the first day i got it. What originally seemed like such a simple concept now makes no sense at all. When i first got it i waited till i got my period then matched up that day with the same day in the red section, then...
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    The Idiot's Guide to cooking (things you can make in five minutes or less)

    2 minute noodles < 5minutes prep time (obviously) But seriously... 5 minutes isn't a very long time. even 2 minute noodles end up taking about 5 minutes. Hmm, i'll give this more thought then post something constructive.
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    Can perfumes go off?

    Hahah oh damn, now i know why all those chemist perfumes ar so damn cheap! I bought one of my best friends 5th Avenue for chrissy and my neighbour Curious for her birthday. Damn, my cheapness will be revealed! But they weren't even that cheap. Oh hell.
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    Dealing With Regrets- dancing

    Ballet, Piano and TKD. I used to be ace at ballet, one day I was just in a shit mood though and didn't feel like going, I'd pissed my mum off that day and she said "If you don't go today then I won't let you go ever again"... I didn't go, and about half an hour afterwards i kindof realised...
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    Summer albums!

    This summer it's: Aha Shake Heartbreak - Kings of Leon My god since i bought this album i just can not stop playing it, it goes from computer to car to diskman (jah, oldschool), to computer at work, when im with friends, when im chilling, it just defines this particular summer.