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  1. M

    National Studies HISTORIOGRAPHY

    I'm an Indochina histo person
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    'New' HSC maths

    "In modern society, pi has lost its relevancy in the consistency of mathematics. " 1) In light of this view, critically analyse the contemporary practicality of pi. (20 marks) 2) Historically, calculus has achieved many distinctions in its application of mathematics. Discuss. (20 marks)
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    To the SMH Reporter or other VIP

    I debated against one of their blokes last year, and he was quite good.
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    JuSt A qUiCk QuEsTiOn ---- In ThE ExAm CaN i Do A diFfeRent TopiC ThAn We studied?

    Please don't 'tYpE lIkE ThIs' - its really annoying.
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    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    Hehe gets better every year, huh Xayma?
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    Help me please

    What he said!
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    Help me please

    What she said.
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    4U English + Ext History?

    -Doing extension history with 4 unit english and maths is considerably more difficult. They use different centres of the brain, and takes some adapting.
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    Question 2

    I was looking out my window trying to describe the landscape... A mile below the lowest cloud, rock breaches water and the sea begins. It fills the spaces between stones and sand, curling around coastlines and filling trenches between the continents. At the edges of the world the salt water...
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    The 2004 HSC - English Paper 1

    *Max's face glows with the warmth of the fire that burns his journeys notes. Aahh yeh, such is, such is...
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    It also depends on how meticulous you want to be in your definition of truth. Some historians are more *perfectionist* than others. Ultimately, it cannot be defined. (that's relativism)
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    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    I think the shift away from the emphasis on grammar in English is more a result of todays postmodern culture. Though whether Austen would be turning in her grave is certainly questionable.
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    practise answer for Q1

    The mark was based on an assumption that gordo would have kept in mind the given extract that would normally have came with the question. Yes it was a good mark.
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    Essay Structure

    *hence* the magical linking words including: -hence -likewise -however -Also -Justifiably -Notwithstanding
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    Those who didn't do CSSA..

    cheers bigears hehe
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    Those who didn't do CSSA..

    For all those who did a trial other than the CSSA trial, what were the WWI questions?
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    practise answer for Q1

    Gordo, Your response was certainly sound in regards to structure. No I don't believe you need any help to master it. With that response you needed more reference to sources - including the given source and HTA sources. Also don't fall into the trap of (as a philosopher once put it) using...
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    History Quotations

    ok. Caratacus, the historian was Geoff Elton. (Derr..) lol
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    History Quotations

    Nope, not Evans. - J.W. Scott
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    History Quotations

    Hah. Good guess, it certainly makes sense. But no, not Windy. You're heading there...