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    Lead in drinking water

    i dont get what you need this for... also reacting with water ? what do you mean ? (ionising maybe ? PbCl2 + H2O(l) ---> Pb^2+ + 2Cl^- + H2O(l)) All i am doing for lead is remembering the wet test for it Pb^2+ ions (any lead salt) + 2I^- ions ---> PbI2 (s) Bright yellow precipitate...
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    Need help to write out experiment with chyclohexene and cylcohexane and bromine water

    Re: Need help to write out experiment with chyclohexene and cylcohexane and bromine w writing experiments AIM - what are we trying to prove Method - Basic rundown of HOW we are going to do it Procedure - What we did step by step so a 2 yr old can follow it Results - exact results we got...
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    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    SO2 NOx COx SO2 - Byproduct of Al smelting / venting from volcanoes (is that spelled correctly ?) NOx - Result of high temp combustion oxidising atmospheric Nitrogen gas COx - Byproduct of combustion - eg cars, fossil feul power generation etc All are toxic to humans and...
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    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Re cobalt 60 ---it's decomposition/stabilisation attempt releases Gamma rays which destroy cells on contact hence its use in "zapping" cancers and Gamma irradiating foodstuffs. I dont think we need to know what it decays into, just that it does and how it does it (ie by releasing gamma...
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    Natural Rubber - Non-Renewable?

    if it grows on trees it IS renewable regardless of how long the tree takes to grow or any other factors ... wether it is ecenomicaly(spelling?) viable to use this as a recource is relevant in answering the question but certainly does not change the fact that it is renewable. Synthetic rubber...
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    Rate of Change - Any help Greatly appreciated

    AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *gong sounds as realisation sets in* Thanks so much !
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    Rate of Change - Any help Greatly appreciated

    Re: 2 or 3 unit - this is only in the 3u course (at least at tafe anyway) Re: elseany "tristam are you sure the answer in your book for q5 has the units of mm^3/a ?" Yes, but i am going to assume they mean cm^3 as everyone i have asked has come up with this same answer. Riviet, one...
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    Rate of Change - Any help Greatly appreciated

    Can anyone please help me with Rate of change … I am getting half the q’s with no problem, but the other half seem to be working out horribly wrong … I have tried to work backwards from the answers but am only ending up more confused trying to compare “what looks different” across questions. I...
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    WHy do different elements produce colours in flame test?

    I dont do the Forensic chem elective so i'll just give you a straight quote that i think covers yur q. All of this is way above the scope of chemical monitoring & management though if that is what u need it for . According to rolland smith in 'conquering chemistry 4th edition' regarding AES...
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    2006 UMAT results???

    Re: funnybunny]umm..ur not meant to do the UMAT until it's ur last year of h.s..../i think...if they find out , u could be in some strife im doing the HSC at tafe which runs courses in one year rather than two but with less than 10 units worth of corses .. As im eligable for Limited UAI...
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    Difference between enzyme and substrate

    substrate = food to be turned into something else Production & consumption of ethanol via fermentation & ingestion: Substrate - Enzyme - Substrate - Enzyme -etc etc Eg alcohol Production - with enzymes in yeast sucrose (substrate) --> invertase (enzyme) - Glucose Glucose (Substrate) +...
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    Gas solubility and presence of salt ions

    i dont know the exact chemistry but i know the presence of salt generally reduces solubility of other dissolved substances.... It is due to the fact that the water that "would" be dissolving the gasses/other substances has a higher affinity for ionic substances than for molecular substances...
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    2006 UMAT results???

    lol i am so glad i used this year as a practice for next .. my scores this yr were shocking :/ (at least i have another year of more HSC subjects before I resit UMAT....) s1) 48 (52nd Percentile) s2) 57 (86th Percentile) s3) 36 (0-20 Percentile)
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    A mole is just a decent sized constant desriptor of a SET amount of atoms in any given substance so it can be compared against another. For example we can compare one apple to one grape because we know what ONE of something we can see is (note even though they are one of something the...
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    Speed tutoring?

    Thanks so much for the advice - I'm taking that and combining it with some speed reading trainign programs that ive found floating around on the net. Hopefully i can get the speed thing down by the time the hsc exams roll around :) cheers Tristam
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    Speed tutoring?

    I am wondering if anyone knows of any places in sydney or techniques (other than "practice") that help students improve their exam speed ? I have been out of the education system for quite a while and now, having returned to study, am finding that the limited time available for exams is...
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    good luck in the UMAT! :)

    I agree .. there wasnt enough time for section 1 (too much reading) and 3 (plain old obscure lol). I found there to be was far too much time for the quick to do section 2 though. Funnily enough the time allowance would have been perfect had they allowed us to just work on the exam start to...
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    good luck in the UMAT! :)

    cheers thx for the wish of luck.. Re yur test .. what the heck - it's only 150 bucks as a gamble (im sure most peeps here have had a much worse loss at the casino or pokies) . .. at least with the test gamble your odds can be looked at as 50:50 .. you either get a high enough result, or you...
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    algebraic indicies

    Thanks for that guys
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    algebraic indicies

    Actually if someone could solve the above completley, indicating what was done and why, I would be greatly appreciative. The worked solutions are impossible to follow as they skip how they get there :/ thanks again