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  1. T

    Aas & Nuclear Chemistry ????

    BUMP Ive searched both my chem text books and cant find anything conclusive for AAS graphs .. Both seem to have straight line graphs but then the values they are giving to graphy are all in a straight line anyway so it is in no way conclusive ... the search continues ...
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    Help Needed!

    Re webby's theory of do unto all: hail ! :) I dont know that i do math(ish) things the "right" way but i usually get there lol ... heres what i got: 7y - 5y = 6y (carry out operation) 2y=6y (/2) y=3y (-y) 0=2y (/2) 0=y 9 = 5(2b+3) (expand) 9=10b +15 (-9) 0=10b +6 (-6) -6=10b (/10) -6/10...
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    recent development of a named biopolymer! sos!

    *points at PHB thread below this* there are links in that detailing its production from (GE'd) recombinant e.colli (which is recent coz up until recently e.colli did not make...
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    Who wishes

    funny i was thinking about it the opposite way .. i actully hope bio & phys are this spread out next year too :) the extra week and a half between ext1 math & chem is giving me time to comb through the syllabus line by line and recall specifics for all the reactions we need to knwo - eg POM...
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    Percentage Composition Question

    "A student analysed a 2.85g sample of washing powder for its phosphorous content. The phosphorous was precipitated as Mg2P207 and then filtered. The mass of the precipitate was 0.125g Determine the percentage by mass, of phosphorous in the washing powder. Taken from some 2002 trial...
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    poly beta-hydroxybutanoate(biopolymer)

    more links non technical article - lots about properties packaging pdf with stuff about phb more info (though mostly covered by other links)
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    Alkane/Alkene reaction with bromine water

    (ignore the dots, they are just there to hold the diagram together coz it usually dies when i push post) They usually use clyclohexane/ene cos they are cheap :) . They would (or should moreso) use either both straight chain or both cyclic. Using a cyclic hexane and a straight chain hexene...
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    Aas & Nuclear Chemistry ????

    Just a few quick questions For AAS - Is the calibration curve a A: Curve of best fit (misses points and forms nice algebraic curves) or B: a Linear straight line that passes the points (or as close to them as possible without bending the line) Also we dont need to know why specific...
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    production of esters anyone??

    loolee - yes the H2SO4 does shift equil to right by eliminating water & with everything apart from residual acididy of ester you are perfectly correct :) Depending on the ester's properties the H2SO4 may be prsent in the ester portion. There is no clear cut line with polarity and solubility...
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    Alkane/Alkene reaction with bromine water

    i dont know that we need a control for the BOS for this exp.... i mean maybe if you wanted to make it a hell of alot more complicated you could pour out samples of cyclohexane, cyclohexene and bromine water and keep them all seperate then at the end of the experiment you could compare their...
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    what are some environmental impacts of the lechanche/dry cell?

    sorry yur right .. i always just assumed the two names were referring to the same thing - reading more i see they are two different cells :) re anything i said above - it's all about the alkaline cell lol ...
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    poly beta-hydroxybutanoate(biopolymer)

    the beta is alternate naming structure for this compound that specifies that the OH group is on the 3rd carbon along.
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    Chronic headaches

    check your posture ... neck & back pain can translate into headaches, vertigo & nausea. If you spend alot of time studyiong (liek for the hsc) it is quite possible that yur neck is getting to you ... (headache through middle and back of head - pain & tingling can radiate through shoulders back...
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    [qqqq]still THE ROAD NOT TAKEN...HELPPPPP!!!

    you need to relax lol .... most poetry is like modern art - it is not concrete and no one interpretation is right or wrong ... It's just stimuli to provoke a response from the reader (you) & thats what they want to see in your writing - that you have thought about it, that you have decided on...
  16. T

    production of esters anyone??

    i dont think it was in the syllabus then either ... aparently they have done this a few times - asked things not in sylabus i mean. apparently most peeps get it wrong so the marking criteria becomes vry leniant and as such peeps who write anything generally get some marks... if you dont know...
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    Help - Modelling polymerisation Pracs

    heres the pix of someone else doing this prac the aim is for you to make the momomers (ethylene in polyethylene's case) - know it has a double bond (uz u put it there) then physically break the double bond and "plug it in" .... i guess it aids the understanding of addition polymerisation...
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    Chromatography Solvents

    i dont know what the bos wants for it's answer but generally solvent choice depends depends on the polarity (hence solubility) of your suspected sample. also mixtures of solvents are often used here is a link for chromatography solvent choices with reference to their polarity...
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    poly beta-hydroxybutanoate(biopolymer)

    Im sure i only just posted about this ... oh well :) Condensation polymer Similar properties to polyproplyene Produced by recombinant e.coli on sutstrate yeast extract + tryptone Hydroxy Butanoate HO-CH-CH2-COOH ......| .....CH3 ----> PHB (2 monomer view) HO-CH-CH2-CO-O-CH-CH2-CO-...
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    SRB clarification needed

    if you want to get off syllabus then yes, SRB do cause traditional oxidation of Fe (rusting) in nice simple terms for the HSC, NO they cause corrosion not rusting Simple SRB ACTION (energy to reduce SO4 comes from oxididation of iron) Fe(s) ----SRB----> Fe^2+ + 2e^1 S04^2- -----SRB--->...