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  1. T

    CFCs and Ozone

    According to Roland smith (sonquering chemistry ed4) and wikipedia only Bromine (eg Halons and methyl bromide) and Chlorine (CFC's and HCFC's) screw O3.. apparently fluorine is fine :/ buggered if i know why Re methane - yes it does have that capability. It however causes it's own problems in...
  2. T

    production of esters anyone??

    note catalyst is not needed, though speeds reaction up considerably. (eg if you have 6 hours to wait you can make Ethyl Ethanoate at home without having to find conc sulfuric acid) most important thing here as far as increasing reliability points goes is REFLUX ... without reflux your...
  3. T

    help with syllabus point!!!!

    easy ones to remember NaCL (table salt ) - NEUTRAL salt (from strong acid HCL) NaHSO4 (ionises to form sulfuric acid ) salt known as Pool shock made from diprotic acid H2SO4 ----- ACIDIC SALT NaHCO3 - Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) - BASIC SALT - reacts with water to form OH- and...
  4. T

    how to prepare a standard solution

    we used oxalic acid - it was easy to weight out, didnt absorb moisture for the air and it's cheap..
  5. T

    determining unknown concentrations

    from 5ml of Unknown conc NaOH neutralised by 20.52 ml of 0.952 molar HCL i am getting 3.907008 ~3.9 there is nothing wrong with your working :)
  6. T

    What's the meaning behind this particular reaction

    the reaction should read Electrical Energy O2 ---------------------> 2OG As the electrical energy (such as that from high atmosphere lightning) is actually being used up (not like a catalyst which is not used or is regenerated) Note that UV energy can cause this split aswell (i...
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    i think amphoteric is in the syllabus. we got it in our trials too (especially how to identify where they occur in the periodic table Diagonally to the right on the border between metals and gasses - the mettaliod divide with only one or two exceptions that we dont have to know. .. the divide is...
  8. T

    why do heats of combustion increase with chain length increase of alkanols?

    isnt the answer to this simpy - becayse there is more fuel per mole. keep in mind this is comparing MOLE to MOLE not mass to Mass .... (bonding issues relate more to BP, MP and determining exact heat of combustion taking into account energy required to break bonds vs energy released by reaction-...
  9. T

    what are some environmental impacts of the lechanche/dry cell?

    KOH is not vry nice for environment either ... sit a whole bunch of used batteries together in a landfill & you end up with a stream of caustic (OH- heavy) crap laced with heavy metals (Zn+Mn) flowing along into the tablewater every time it rains . poor cave yabbies .. :/ heh
  10. T

    The Development and use of Biopolymers...(help)

    roland smith's conquering chemistry mentions PHB you can also google B-PolyHydroxyButanoate from recombinant e.coli on substrate of yeast extract & tryptone (though the above is about all you need to know + maybe the structure though the name gives it away ... it is a butanoic acid ester with...
  11. T


    I have a different eqn for the fermentation roland smith conquering chemistry fourth edition p33 ...............fermentation C6H12O6 ----------> 2CO2 + 2CH3-CH2-OH (above states 3CH3-CH2-OH) With this eqn i get 681.82 KG Glucose (aq) (rounded to 2 dec place) ->348.48 (2 dec place) KG...
  12. T

    evidence for increase in atmospheric...

    that dotpoint is on crack. Levels have actually fallen in recent years in the industrial age they rose sharply, but since the introduction of controls levels have fallen sharply look at early industrial age in europe, the "pea soup fog's" and high incidence of DEATH from respiritory...
  13. T

    i don't understand buffers

    it';s because the buffer reacts with whatever you are adding to the solution eg bicarboante can function as an weak acid (see it donating a proton to the water as it moves to the right hand side [note it can also accept protons and act as a base, but we will ignore it for this example])...
  14. T

    -- !!-- need info-- Presence of lead, zinc, and copper in rivers

    there will be welding articles on the effect of Zn .. welders get exposed to it in highish quantities when working with galvanised metals .. it makes u feel horrible just after 5 mins of welding .. i dont know how those guys do it
  15. T

    Faraday's laws of elctrolysis

    our trial had a mark for each of his 2 laws dealing with electrolysis .. 1 person only got the marks
  16. T

    galvanising -help

    the zinc does not ooze over the iron to cover the scratch. it simply provides an easier reaction alternative than the Fe think of it like lightning ... there may be a tall concrete slab that is higher but nearby, lower down there might be a nice metal pole going deep into the ground... the...
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    glucose using brackets to highlight important parts (the OH parts) HO-|C6H10O4|-OH 2 * glucose HO-|C6H10O4|-OH + HO-|C6H10O4|-OH The matching one of the above o's and 2 H's condense out Cellulose HO-|C6H10O4|-O-|C6H10O4|-OH + the H2O that was squeezed out Cellulose written...
  18. T

    Fermentation experiment

    you could state what you did and in your conclusion state what you could have done to make it more accurate .. ie should have controlled temp etc etc knowing what you should have done is just as valid (if not more valid) than having done it properly as told by someone else :)
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    Results for sulfate content in fertiliser practical

    the results are going to vary too much to use someone elses depending of fertiliser type, brand, batch etc... we used MgSO4 so our results will be huge compared to someone who tested a broad spectrum fertiliser
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    two confusing dot points

    Re " salt water causes rusting because its a better electrolyte " [than acids] Do you have a reference for this as i would be interested to know which is the better electrolyte - acids or ionic compounds. I ask because i know acids can be excellent electrolytes and have found acids to...