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    Polar vs Non-Polar

    Hi, can anyone explain to me what makes a substance polar/ non-polar? I know it has to do with the bonding, but I'm not quite sure how to explain it in an exam?
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    Possible Trial Questions

    CSSA did the Bronsted Lowry Question
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    Soaps and Surfactants

    Does anyone know of some really good websites or resources available on soaps and industrial chem? Our teacher has just started and he has had to fly through it cause we are way behind. Any help would be much appreciated.
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    Stupid IT Teacher

    My IT teacher is a fat bitch who sits up the front reading notes from a text book for us to copy down. We also do assignments non stop and when it comes to exam time one of our questions was "how do you clean a laser printer?" Not owning one, along with 90 percent of my class, we didn't answer...
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    best sceinces?

    Is Senior Science like the episode of the Simpsons where The Special Ed. tacher askes the students to "Take out your safety crayons and a circle of paper"?
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    Playing the piano

    I play a fair bit, but mainly I improvise and stuff around with classical pieces. I play all Bach's "Well tempered Clavier" and sometimes just muck around with themes from there etc. It comes in handy when I get asked to play for weddings etc. A quick $60 for half an hours work!
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    chemistry! Help pls??

    How many different ways are their of making a cup of coffee? Limited. It is the same for HSC questions - there are set syllabus questions, that can only be answered so many ways. My advice is to try and do a few past Prelim and HSc papers. Myself and my teacher believe that is the best way to...
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    Young Achievement Australia

    I was managing director of our company, it was called Yandy Dandy (Stupid names thought by a f**king stupid person) anyway, we sold fairy and wizard costumes and we returned about $4.00 to shareholders in addition to their inital investement.
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    Guide for year 10 students

    I think its importnat to find a balance between what you like and what you are good at? If you are really good at physics say, but absolutely hate it, you may consider choosing it. Also If you absolutely love physics, but aren't good at it, I would suggest picking it. Remember in most cases...
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    Yeah If I moved out I wouldn't be able to use my parents' car. I don't think I could afford a car and the running costs, so it would be public transport.
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    What is everybody's opinion on travelling to uni everyday? (I mean, say > 2-3 hrs per day?) Does it affect your studies etc?
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    Welcome to the Faculty of Science

    I know this may sound lame, but what is the closest course available at any university similar to what the poeple of CSI (T.V show) do? Is it medical chemistry, or is there something else?
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    So Kittycat, whats the radiation therapy course at USyd like? I mean, is it similar to medical imaging?
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    Does this usually work?

    I put 4 preferences in to UAC. The last one just happening to be the one with a UAI of about 60 from this years guide. If I don't get required UAI and first preference, I will transfer from the other course(s) If I can.
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    Uni living arrangements

    I will live at home cause Uni is only 15 minutes drive away. Unless I argue to much with my folks, I will probably live at home for entire course, then move out once I graduate and start working.
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    So you would like to know about early entry? It means that hypothetically if I screwed up my HSC exams, I could still get into the course. It involves sending your trial exam results as well as a report from the principal (CSU's early enrty scheme is called PREP - Principals' Report Entry...
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    Yeah I want to do Radiography Kittykat, I've applied to do it through early entry at CSU Wagga.
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    Year 11 Chemistry

    Make sure at least you try to remember the carbon chemistry. If you go on to do Chem in Yr.12 it is all over the place.
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    Thankyou all. I think Radiogrpahy is looking better than Radiology
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    Hi all Can anyone tell me what the differences are between these two courses? Also, what is it like to study these and become a professional? Thanx