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    2003 UAIs

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    2003 UAIs

    70.55. ack!!!!!!!!! I also have a question, the course I want to do had a cut-off last year of 70.60 and the year before that it was 69.30??? Do you think I have a chance???????? What else can I do???????
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    2003 HSC Marks

    Is my UAI roughly equivalent to the average of my HSC mark?????
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    hi could i plz have a prediction based on the results i got this morning, thanx

    Can I please have a prediction as well Chem 69 Band 4 English Adv 75 Band 4 Mathematics 66 Band 3 Physics 67 Band 3 IT 76 Band 4 Thankyou
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    Common Rooms

    Our common room has two sections, there is the main area, then two offices for private study. Nothing is supplied by the school, some students brought in old lounges from home/op shops, and stuff. At the end of the year, it had to be cleaned out. If it became to messy (we were responsible for...
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    Was that just the HSC?

    2003 HSC Physics exam I thought it was different to all the practice papers etc. There wasn't a lot of mathematical "process" questions. And how many of the medical physics questions were on PET damn!!!
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    how to get there? from Macquarie Fields

    I travel on trains a lot around sydney (cause they're cheap) and I believe that the best way is to get train from Macq Fds to Wolli Ck, then train to Wollongong.
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    Governemnt increse price...for us???

    John Howard is very bad. Give the little prick the big flick is my opinion. For all you gun waving lunatics out there (I'm sure there are plenty) I know where he holidays! lol
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    B Science

    CSU offers medical imaging with a UAI of 70 Science is offered at around UAI 69 There is no course other than Pharmacy above 71!!
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    Defence Forces?

    I hear that ADFA is really hard, and strict. Once you have done yr 12, I think it would be hard to go back to something that is stricter
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    Living on Campus

    It is moderately easy to get in to accomodation. It realy depends on the University. Going from the "outback" to the city is definently a change!
  12. T to get in?

    If you already have a bad back, then I wouldn't pick Dentistry. If you have a good back at the moment, you won't by the time you retire. I know 2 people you have been Dentists all their lives and they have severe back and walking problems.
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    So Year 12s .. what's your first preference??

    B. Applied Science (Medical Imaging) at CSU Wagga
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    Help! Uow Has Not Told Me When My Interview Is

    Resister eh Matt 200?
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    Colesmyer - Kmart

    yeah I agree it has taken way too long to find out if we have the job or not. I have done 3 online questionnaire things an 2 interviews! BAH!
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    Can anyone tell me the salary that you start paying HECS off at? also, How does the payment work - is it a weekly deduction/monthly - how much?
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    hows radiation therapy, diagnostic radiography or nM technology?wats the difference?~

    I have applied for Medical Imaging at CSU as well. Radiation Therapy is the use of radiation to treat patients that have alreadsy been diagnosed, e.g radiotherapy for cancer sufferers. Diagnostic Radiography is the process of diagnosing a problem, e.g X-ray, CT and MRI. For all of these, Physics...
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    The Door

    I got told of a certain university lecturer that if any more HSC markers see The Door used again, they are persoanlly show up to that students house and shove their exam up their arse. According to her, she say doing The Door will make you loose marks, due to harsh marking
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    Oh Jeeez! Can anyone post some of the past question sthat have been asked on this topic, plus some study tips on how to ace this section? Thanks
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    People's Input about UAI

    I would say that the UAC gives us a random 4 digit number for our UAI!!