I much prefer cute girls to conventionally hot girls. Especially if they have some really cute idiosyncracies like a cute smile, a bubbly voice/laugh.
I also like girls who aren't too skinny.
Who aren't stupid.
Who don't start to piss me off when I spend heaps of time with them.
Well of course they're not going to do it in lectures that would take about an hour.
As for tutes it differs by subject, the course outline should specify.
Tell her that as a friend that you think she should know all her friends have been calling her fat and ugly behind her back but not to worry you still think she's beautiful.
Eh you were the one who made a thread ash about how you'd never had a boyfriend and now you're at that point in your life where you would want one.
Plus you said this kind of stuff never happens to you.
It's odd that you would think someone trying to pick you up is automatically a sexual...
Dre and Jigga are fire.
Reasonable Doubt and The Chronic are two albums which have helped define modern hip hop.
And you have no idea if you reckon nothing good is still getting released.