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  1. Hysterik

    I think this forum totally needs a new thread...

    1. What is one thing/person etc. that inspired your major works? So many things... but one would be Science of Sleep. Michael Gondry. 2. Where do you find that you write best? On the computer... at 12 am. :P 3. What class module are you relating it to? Imaginative journeys, postmodernism. 4...
  2. Hysterik

    How is this course run?

    Check out the Board of Studies HSC Curriculum... it has an FAQ and everything to sort out your questions. There aren't really any main strengths as you can do anything you like, short stories, critical studies, poetry, film, etc. All you need is an 'inquiring mind' as my teacher likes to...
  3. Hysterik

    english hate

    What's your point? :confused:
  4. Hysterik

    english hate

    Sorry, but if you think that English is just memorising quotes it's pretty obvious why you don't like it. Not attacking you anything, but it's starting to piss me off that people attack English because you have "memorise essays and quotes". I never memorise quotes, they're completely...
  5. Hysterik

    2007 Short Story Titles

    My teacher tells me that titles do about a quarter of the work in a story, it's the first thing the reader sees and a good one can carry the whole thing. So.. uh, make sure that you are doing this for a specific point, and you can explain it well in your RS or journal. Stories are supposed...
  6. Hysterik

    Ext.2 2008: Successes and failures

    ^ Don't worry about it too much. I spoke to a girl who got 50 last year and did her journal in the week before the MW was due, it's usually only looked at if your MW and RS don't match up properly, if they suspect plagiarism, etc. I gave my teacher the first 2000 words of my story today and...
  7. Hysterik

    2007 Short Story Titles

    At the moment mine is called "One Thousand Faces". Part One is 'Down the Rabbit Hole'. Part Two is 'The Road of Trials'. Part Three is 'Belly of the Whale.' Part Four is 'The Master of Two Worlds'.
  8. Hysterik

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    Sorry little Year 9 kid, but you can't quite get the pressure until you actually enter the course. I was entirely blase about the HSC and my UAI until I hit Year 12 but it matters to me now. The constant pressure from parents and teachers is pretty relentless (at least for me, no I am not...
  9. Hysterik

    Amount of free periods?

    I have 12 a week, of 40 minutes each, because I've dropped a lot of subjects and picked up a lot of extensions. I have morning classes though. We can do what we want during them, leave the school, whatever. It's awesome!
  10. Hysterik

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    Frankly I think defining yourself over your UAI is ridiculous. Having said that, unfortunately I need 98.6 to get into my course. If I wanted to get into something with a lower UAI I wouldn't care what I got. I'll be content with anything over 80, I'll still get a BA at UNSW with that, and...
  11. Hysterik

    Weet Bix... how do you eat them?

    That's how I eat them! ... do you reckon we're related?
  12. Hysterik

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Mine is okay. But I finish on the 12th of November with French Extension! :angry: Everyone will be living it up around the 4th/5th while I continue studying, lol. Everything is very spaced out luckily. Oct 17 - English Advanced Paper 1 Oct 20 - English Advanced Paper 2 Oct 27 -...
  13. Hysterik


    I am in the same boat. HAHAHA. I'm so glad there are others around like me! ;) I actually should be writing it now. But I can't write the first sentence!
  14. Hysterik

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    I'm 16 and still a virgin... ... But look, I didn't join just to post that!
  15. Hysterik

    Dr Who

    Season 4 premiere aired on Saturday. I downloaded it. It's freaking brilliant.
  16. Hysterik

    'Friends' TV Show

    Hahaha I love this show too. My class watched in on ski trip last year and I was all, "Friends is stupid, I refuse to watch this filth!" Everytime a joke was cracked I would roll my eyes. Hahaha. I soon became obsessed. And it's playing on Channel Ten now! Woohoo!
  17. Hysterik

    Scrubs are there any Fans

    Me too! I absolutely adore Scrubs! I love My Way Home, it reduces me to a blubbering mess every time. :rofl: J.D.: You see, surgical and medical interns are kinda like two rival gangs. Not real gangs, more like those cheesy gangs you see in Broadway musicals.
  18. Hysterik

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    I want to be famous. Failing that, I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (Media and Comm) @ USyd (if I can get the marks) or a Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) @ UTS. I'd love to go to NIDA as well.
  19. Hysterik

    Random facts about your stories.

    1. What's the title of your story? Hasn't got one yet... Working title of "Lost and Found." 2. What's the name of one of the main characters? They don't have names as of yet, I like to get to know my characters before I name them, lol. 3. Is/are they guys/girls? The main character is male. 4...
  20. Hysterik

    Well, I got my lowest test result ever.

    I got 7/80 in a French test once. But now I'm near the top of French and top in French Extension at my school. It's a learning curve, as my dear mother would say.