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  1. Hysterik

    Class of 2008 EE2 Rollcall

    My teacher wants a first draft by the end of the week.... haven't even started yet. *fear*
  2. Hysterik

    Do you do B Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production)?

    I'm really interested in this course too, plus the UAI is quite a bit lower than for Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at Usyd. I want to combine it with International Studies... Is this course similar to BA (Media and Communications) @ Usyd? Sorry about my ignorance but what...
  3. Hysterik

    How well did u go for your second HSC assessments?

    Got back most of my results today: French Continuers: 14.5/15 and 20/20.. ranked 3/37... wtf? French Extension: 9.5/10 and 25/25 ranked 1/15!! Mathematics: 84.5% ranked 13/71 Chemistry: 36/40.. Don't know my rank. Just need English and English ext. Doing really well so far considering this...
  4. Hysterik

    weirdest food

    I ate some pretty weird stuff in France... such as peanut butter flavoured chips, who fucking does that? Funniest thing though was when my host mum was like, "What do you want to celebrate your last night in France?" and I said, "Oh, snails and frog's legs... HAHAHA." Got home and she'd...
  5. Hysterik

    Radical/Crazy Change of M/W

    It really depends on how much you've done/how long it will take you to write this new stuff. I don't know what advice to give you really, you need to talk to your teacher/mentor who'll have a much better idea of where you're going with your major work.
  6. Hysterik

    Has anyone gone crazy yet

    Had my Maths assessment today. When people talk to me about it my voice just goes very high and squeaky... and I can't seem to stand upright on buses anymore. I blame it on lack of sleep. Just 8 months to go.
  7. Hysterik

    How many units are you doing??

    11 units, I get 12 free periods a week. I love what I do. :)
  8. Hysterik

    Need motivation

    Well, at my school I'm considered retarded because I do 2U Maths, where like 50% of our year do 4U. I constantly have people come up to me and take me through the text book and tell me not to worry about the next topics, they shouldn't be TOO hard for you. Grrr... :mad: So my motivation to...
  9. Hysterik

    schoolies 08

    Going to Noosa probably, cos my friends are too wimpy to go to surfers or byron. does anyone actually go there? lol
  10. Hysterik

    Noosa for schoolies

    I know I'm a little late with this but I'm going up too with four of my friends... first or second week guys? I'm trying to book a holiday house now... :P EDIT: Just realised how old this thing is, so just forget I said anything, lol
  11. Hysterik

    Medicine in 2009

    Well, that, and the fact that I would like to help these young people with said misfortune.
  12. Hysterik

    First Impressions Of Yr 11 Chem...Not good

    I hated Year 11 Chem at first, did fairly badly but kept it up because I couldn't drop it halfway through the year. Then, I started to love it, and it's now one of my favourite subjects... It really picks up after about a term or so. Think seriously about it, I nearly dropped Chem and picked...
  13. Hysterik

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    We had a drill going on and our class wasn't sure of the difference of the bell of evacuation and lockdown (where we get under our desks, lock doors and windows etc.). So, we all decided to go for lockdown. We sat there for about ten minutes until the deputy principal came in...
  14. Hysterik

    Progress Feb 2008

    ^ You have nooo idea how lucky you are. I just can't seem to get motivated. I think that it may be a good idea to take a break however, because your story might get a little lopsided. Then again, I know nothing. Good luck!
  15. Hysterik

    Medicine in 2009

    Hey there, just interested that you're doing Extension 2 English. I thought I'd be the only one here! My subjects: 4U English 3U French 2U Chemistry 2U Maths Really want to get into Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)(Hons)/MBBS at Usyd, unfortunately to UAI is ridiculously high. But I kicked...
  16. Hysterik

    Progress Feb 2008

    Does it really have to be done by then?? I feel so freaking behind, all I've done is a half hearted attempt at a short story (I'm doing a collection). :eek:
  17. Hysterik

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    I really want to work in hospitals, I have no idea why... So, obviously I want to get into Medicine (even though it's such a cliche) but if not I want to do a psychology degree and become a clinical psychologist. Really excited because I'm doing work experience during the hols so I can see if...
  18. Hysterik

    How to get to the SAM Profile page?

    Mine stops loading halfway down the page so I can't reach the bottom left corner at all.
  19. Hysterik

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    I LOVED Coleridge especially the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I also love Brave New World but unfortunately I'm not doing it.
  20. Hysterik

    Year 12 Jerseys

    My school is lame, we can't put anything on our jerseys because we'd get stalked or something. Yeah, I don't get it either. ' If I could I'd get Agent A.K.A. Because there's so many Kate's in my year.