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  1. GoodToGo

    SMH: 'Police to hunt for missing [MQ] uni funds''s a good development, but still, the damage has been done. I guess it shows the apathy of the majority (though not all) uni student these days. If this happened in the 70's a lot of us would be storming the SAM and MUSC offices at the first suggestion that something dodgy was going on.
  2. GoodToGo

    That's incorrect. In law, practically all of the units have had an 80% attendance requirement (and LAW has less than 1% international students). It states it clearly in the unit outline.
  3. GoodToGo

    Transcripts... =/

    There are transcripts available other than official ones?? (I don't include printing from e-student). Anyone can order an official transcript PRIOR to graduation. In fact, you'll more than likely require one if you apply for any graduate programs.
  4. GoodToGo


    Haha, I was like duress? What the??... before I realised you're in the senior comp.
  5. GoodToGo

    Working Full Time .... Should I do Three Subjects Next Semester

    I'd say do 2. You always think you have more time than you actually have... and after pulling those hours, I'm not sure how motivated you'd be to study after work and on weekends. It's usually not too bad for most of the semester, but it'll really kick in around exam time.
  6. GoodToGo


    Well it's good to see you getting involved! I might be doing a bit of judging... Did they have a Mooting tutorial/how to moot/whatever you call it thing?
  7. GoodToGo

    People who have done LAW104 in the past

    Remeber you can drop unjits until the census date, but you can't add after Week 1 (generally).
  8. GoodToGo

    People who have done LAW104 in the past

    LAW 518 is for those students, such as myself, who did not do LAW104. In fact, LAW104 did not exist when I was in first year. I agree that you should be given an exemption if you take the 2 unit ethics course, and I would be surprised if they didn't give you this exemption. But note, I think...
  9. GoodToGo

    hey law people.....

    Rafiq is the acting head. Isn't it common knowledge that you can't add units after the first week? But you can drop the units up to the census date...
  10. GoodToGo

    hey law people.....

    What's wrong with Labour Law? 2 hours a week, interesting readings, (compared to other units), a slightly crazy lecturer... It was a good break up from my hardcore slog units, like Remedies.
  11. GoodToGo

    People who have done LAW104 in the past

    Ooh, I like a challenge. You should see Maggie Liston in the Divison of Law. I'm sure she could get you last year's unit outline. Or try contacting last year's convenor, Alex Reilly.
  12. GoodToGo

    Your fees

    I've never actually heard of HECS being paid by the employer outside of teaching, but that'd be awesome.
  13. GoodToGo

    People who have done LAW104 in the past

    Law, Lawyers and Society is in Semester 2... Hmm, are you one of those insufferable eager-beavers? :p
  14. GoodToGo

    Your fees

    Full deferment is the way to go! You'll never be poorer than when you're at uni... and uni's the time u need a bit of dough to get up to crazy shenanigans...
  15. GoodToGo

    Who else is going to Cinema in the Park tonight?

    I've never seen "low income scum" around North Ryde... that's more on the other side of the river. There can be local derros, like everywhere else though.
  16. GoodToGo


    Actually Trade Prac, Labour Law and Remedies are amongst the easiest units I've done in 400-500 level (with the exclusion of the Journal units). In particular, Labour law has 1 class a week which runs for only 2 hours, though it's down in the timetable as 4 hours. It's more of a...
  17. GoodToGo


    Personally, I'd buy it. It's a pretty small investment that'll last you five years. Particularly handy for 2nd year.
  18. GoodToGo

    summer results 2morrow!

    Well they said progressively... so you may not get yours straight away.
  19. GoodToGo

    Does anyone know....

    Anyone know when/where we can get a new one? They had it in the Atrium last year..
  20. GoodToGo

    A few questions.

    I take it Law203 is a typo and should read Law204.. Congrats on getting so many units credited. It seems like they are a lot more lenient these days!