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  1. GoodToGo

    getting nervous...

    What gawd-awful subject required you to consult reserve books before 9am!? No one should be doing full time uni and up at that hour! I must say for the past 12 months the reserve photocopiers look less occupied than usual. Obviously less occupied doesn't mean they should go from 8 to 0!
  2. GoodToGo

    getting nervous...

    Well I don't have any particular reason to defend library management, considering all the casuals weren't rehired a year ago. But the fact of the matter is, the number of students who need Reserve books before 9 would be so few that it probably never occurred to them. Think of it this way...
  3. GoodToGo

    getting nervous...

    Yeah I guess they could have acknowledged that shouldn't have happened, but they couldn't really do much more than that. There is an IT help desk on level 1, and it's now even closer to the entrance. The reserve photocopiers should be back in time for semester. They're probably removed for...
  4. GoodToGo

    getting nervous...

    Most likely it didn't get checked in. You shouldn't expect as high a service since they made the big mistake of not rehiring the hardworking student casual staff. *cough* ahem... From a student who's been on the other side of the counter, if someone told me that story and the book hasn't been...
  5. GoodToGo

    Fall Out Boy Album

    Re: Fall Out Boy Album is so Hot! A capital letter, a capital letter. My kingdom for a capital letter!
  6. GoodToGo

    Something interesting

    Yeah, I can't believe Newman got all up in arms when the in-house lawyer said no to his request to see certain boxers of documents by saying that she works for Schwartz. Chancellors do shit all, what does he expect? Current High Court Justice Michael Kirby was our chancellor for a number of...
  7. GoodToGo

    Something interesting

    From the article linked above: "In addition she is using the services of the driver. We have not been able to get the driver to drive me as he has been fully occupied by Di. So, I have been taking taxis," Professor Schwartz wrote to Mr Newman. "...and cried because she was told that she...
  8. GoodToGo

    External units and eStudent

    It's 1 theoretical essay and 1 hypothetical. 50% each. A few years ago it was just multiple choice. The marks are really arbitrary as well... an unusually high number of high P's and low Credits.
  9. GoodToGo

    Something interesting

    This was front and 2nd page of the Herald, and the most viewed article today...crazy. (Perhaps the title of the thread could be changed to reflect what it's all about) Any publicity is good publicity for the uni I least people who had no idea where the heck Macquarie was now know we...
  10. GoodToGo

    Confused about my program of study...

    Short answer, no. Longer answer: It may seem random for unis with less open programs, such as UTS, but interdisciplinary freedom is what Macq was founded on. They could have made you do dumbed down gen-ed filler like New South, but that stuff is a load of bollocks if you ask me. Anyway...
  11. GoodToGo

    External units and eStudent

    Hmm, I've never heard of that before. Certainly not the case with law units.
  12. GoodToGo

    External units and eStudent

    I wouldn't worry about it. Legal Ethics is external only, so you just enrol in the unit and rock up. (The hourglass should appear full). The on-campus session is 2 full days of lectures in the mid sem break, with the only difference being you have to sign on in the morning at COE. I'm not sure...
  13. GoodToGo

    Is the SAM card worth buying?

    I'm missing the 10% discount on JB-Hifi fierce these days. :( But the card wouldn't be worth it for me as I'm external...
  14. GoodToGo

    Is the SAM card worth buying?

    Generally the student ID has attached your address and phone number. A lot of people are sure they haven't provided their number, but presto, there it is.
  15. GoodToGo

    Law camp @ Macq

    Haha, I've edited it for a full chrono order of events. Sex can occur more than once... though the term "too drunk to f***" is quite apt for most of law camp. WTF?!? Alcohol is muls' selling point. They even plug it at lectures by saying they have a shitload of alcohol. A good chunk of the...
  16. GoodToGo

    Law camp @ Macq

    In a rough chronological order: Drinking, eating, drinking, a trivia quiz, dancing, flirting, pashing, sleeping, canoeing/ropes course/abseiling/etc, eating, hanging out, drinking, talent-quest type thingy, eating, drinking, dancing, bonfire, pashing, rooting, drinking, sleeping. And then some...
  17. GoodToGo

    Law camp @ Macq

    It's not about how old you look. A first year of Macquarie law is as much a first year of uni to the organisers (in that you don't know anything about MULS and what they do). Just make sure you pay on time once the info goes up on the website.
  18. GoodToGo

    Law camp @ Macq

    Are you taking Jurisprudence? If so, then it should be fine!
  19. GoodToGo

    Ingleburn to Maquarie uni - how long?

    It doesn't. I think that was a typo by whoever posted that. There is a 545, but be warned the 545 takes the ridiculously 'scenic' (and I use that word loosely considering the areas it passes through) route to Parra. 2 trains and a bus... sounds full on. I'd invest in a car (or look to carpool...
  20. GoodToGo

    Bus from Parra station to Macquarie

    Hmm, well it's better than one bus waiting at a stop so the other bus can get ahead... that'll just shit off the passengers. And there isn't a need to do that (like with trains). The 545 seems to always be ridiculously packed between Uni and East-woo station. I'm not sure why Sydney Buses...