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  1. imsooverskool

    Getting Around At ANU!

    it isn't that far...
  2. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    Yes, Jezzmo lets ban cars! Especially for those goddamn P platers who dont know how to drive properly and who are all hoons!!!! :eek:
  3. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    i guess you didnt read my previous post... From my observations, more people smoke pot in NSW then in the ACT. In the ACT, it seems that those who live there choose not to smoke pot and they make that choice themseleves it is not enforced upon them. I cannot give a definitve answer but i doubt...
  4. imsooverskool

    Tutorial Timetables??

    tutorials dont start until the second week of term and you will be able to figure out which tutes to go to during the first week :)
  5. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    once again i will point to the fact that POT is legal in the ACt and not everyone walks around "stoned off their nut". I am aware that Maraijuana is harmful, but so is alcohol and smoking and yet they remain legal. If adults want to use things that are harmful to thier bodies, then that is thier...
  6. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    that being said... those who are off the face on 'harder' drugs such as special k and coke are more likely to act aggressive towards others and commit a violent crime... meh im contradicting myself *runs and hides- BUT STILL THINKS THAT POT SHOULD BE LEGALISED*
  7. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    i have never heard of anyone dying from using maraijuana- yeh sure smoking it will increase your chances of getting cancer, but so does smoking ciggarettes. As i said in my previous post pot generally only harms the user, in my opinion the govt should not be able to legislate over a person's...
  8. imsooverskool

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    don't know if this has been raised yet... maraijuana is legal in the ACT and there does not seem to be a major crime problem in our nations capital. From a VERY generalised perspective, there appears to be less pot smokers in the ACT then in NSW ( a generalised perspective coming from someone...
  9. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    it's good to see that there are people out there who hate jet as much as i do and who recognise that they are no talent douchebags who couldn't think of an original chord to save their miserable lives!!!!!
  10. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    thank christ for anal retentives such as yourself! :rolleyes:
  11. imsooverskool

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    yeh i know ziff im crap at both as well and i still got into college!!! thats just the general spiel that the admin of all the colleges gives for how they select their resies
  12. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    i know, sometimes i cant beleive how cool i am. But my coolness, cannot be ignored so i just embrace it. Of course, noone can ever be as cool as u fuckstick... woops i mean golfstick so what if i dont like franz or jet, i have a right to think that they are shit and bag out thier music- if i...
  13. imsooverskool

    Does God Exist?

    my point exactly :rolleyes:
  14. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    my feelings exactly!
  15. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    from memory franz ferdinand "take me out" *cough cough* no comment
  16. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    no no no... i had a profound dislike for Jet waaaay before they became the band that every teenybopper says is "like Jet are so cool because their music is like really original and like, the have long hair and smoke, like they are so cool" to me bad versions of 70's rock bands does not count...
  17. imsooverskool

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    basically they seem to select on academic results and your assumed ability to contribute to college life
  18. imsooverskool

    hehe, I have a crush on a male check out chick

    dont do it... forget they guy coz work relationships never work out! i had a very messy breakup with my ex who orked where i worked... needless to say i dont work there anymore :lol:
  19. imsooverskool

    Does God Exist?

    right.... so god can just make up what is sinful as he goes along? Scientifically (this is a statement based in fact not in fable), those who are closely related are too close genetically to procreate without there being faults in the genetics of their offspring. So unless gods early humans...
  20. imsooverskool


    personally im not a fan of theirs but those who enjoy their brand of music- (whatever genre you would like to piegon hole them in) will enjoy thier show because it is so full of energy! :karate: